faithchapel / boxcast-api-wrapper

A .NET wrapper for the BoxCast streaming platform API
MIT License
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BoxCast .NET API Wrapper

Basic Use


//supply API credentials to the API wrapper
BoxCast.SetAPICredentials(clientId, secret);

//authenticate using the oAuth password flow
await BoxCast.Authenticate(username, password);

Get a Single Resource

// Create a request to send to the API
var request = new BoxCastRequest()
    Resource = "account"

// Request the resource from the API
BoxCastResponse<Dictionary<string, object>> account;
account = await BoxCast.Get<Dictionary<string, object>>(request);

Get a List of Resources

// Create a request to send to the API
var request = new BoxCastRequest()
    Resource = "broadcasts"

// Request the resources from the API
BoxCastResponse<List<Dictionary<string, object>>> broadcasts;
broadcasts = await BoxCast.Get<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(request);

Request Parameters

var request = new BoxCastRequest()
    Resource = "broadcasts"
    Search = "timeframe:future",
    SortBy = "starts_at",
    SortDescending = true,
    PageNumber = 1,
    PageSizeLimit = 5,
    ETag = entityTag        

//add undocumented or expanded query parameters
request.QueryParameters.Add("since", "2018-02-03T00:00:00-05:00");
request.QueryParameters.Add("until", "2018-02-04T00:00:00-05:00");

Create a Resource

var content = new Dictionary<string, object>();

BoxCastResponse<Dictionary<string, object>> response;
response = await BoxCast.Post("Broadcasts/" + broadcastId, content);

Update a Resource

var content = new Dictionary<string, object>();

BoxCastResponse<Dictionary<string, object>> response;
response = await BoxCast.Put("Broadcasts/" + broadcastId, content);

Delete a Resource

await BoxCast.Delete("Broadcasts/" + broadcastId);

API Responses

Responses returned from the api come as a BoxCastResponse<T> object with the following information:

ETag - an entity tag returned from the api for making conditional requests using the ETag field on requests Pagination - an object containing pagination data

RateLimit - an object containing rate limit related data

Headers - a dictionary of all headers returned with the response
ResponseCode - the HTTP response code returned
ResponsePhrase - the response phrase returned
Content - the content returned deserialized into the supplied type for the generic response

Error Handling

        await BoxCast.Authenticate(username, password);

    // Do some things...

catch(BoxCastAPIException ex)
    if (ex.BoxCastError.Error == "invalid_token" || ex.BoxCastError.Error == "unauthorized")
        BoxCast.ClearToken(); //clear the oAuth token so we'll grab a new one next time.