falfada / best-day-of-the-year

MIT License
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Best Day of the Year

Coding Bootcamp collaborative group project to solve a real world problem.


Our project permits a user to input their birthday and birthplace, and using server-side APIs and the application will return:

  1. A summary of the weather on their birthday for every year they have lived
  2. A summary of significant events that have occurred on their birthday


Link to deployed app: BEST DAY OF THE YEAR

User story

As a user who likes birthdays
I want to know my birthday's history
So I can prove it is the best day of the year

Acceptance criteria

GIVEN a form with a date and location input
WHEN I input my birthdate and birthplace
THEN I am shown a weather summary for that location for every year of my life
WHEN I view the summary of a particular year
THEN I am shown a summary of any significant events that happened on my birthday 


App wireframe app_wireframe

Final webpage app_homepage app_modal app_results


  1. Daniela Leal Garcia
  2. Andres Gomez
  3. Jake Bentley
  4. Jeremy White