GoCoop is a tool written in Go that helps you to manage your chicken coop !
The main objective is to protect the chickens against the hungry fox or the greedy weasel. To do so, we need to automaticaly open and close the door of the chicken coop, with two options :
If you worry about using the sun based condition, be sure that the chickens always go to sleep at sunset. As the sentence says : go to bed with the chickens.
I use the Nextrox 37mm 12V 15RPM
. I chose this motor because of its torque : *250 Ncm**
I use the L293D
. It is capable of handling two motors.
I will be using the following pins :
Here are the GPIO pins that are used :
The GPIO of my Raspberry 3 B+ are located as follow :
All components are now connected together with a breadboard.
Sure, I tried to do my best to add package tests because chickens deserv the best ! Moreover, I have been using it for more than one year at home, it has never failed since the begining.
It also comes with an smooth interface built with Bootstrap to manage the coop. It is protected by Basic Auth with github.com/abbot/go-http-auth
Note : I used to work with Docker but I recently removed it from the project as I did not think it was really relevant for a demploy on RaspberryPi.
Create a file /etc/systemd/system/gocoop.service
ExecStart=/etc/goccop/goccop -c /etc/gocoop/config.yml
Then download the last binary on Github and place it here in /etc/goccop/goccop
. For example :
mkdir /etc/gocoop
wget https://github.com/fallais/gocoop/releases/download/v2.0.2/gocoop_2.0.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
tar -xvzf gocoop_2.0.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
mv gocoop /etc/gocoop/gocoop
rm gocoop_2.0.2_linux_arm64.tar.gz
touch /etc/gocoop/config.yml
Then reload the daemon.
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Start the service with:
sudo systemctl start gocoop.service
And enable it during startup with:
sudo systemctl enable gocoop.service
You can check the status of the service with:
systemctl status gocoop.service
The configuration file located in /etc/gocoop/config.yml
must look like this below :
gui_username: admin
gui_password: admin
private_key: keykey
latitude: 43.388352
longitude: 1.277914
mode: "time_based"
value: "08h00"
mode: "sun_based"
value: "30m"
opening_duration: "65s"
closing_duration: "60s"
type: l293d
pin_1A: 23
pin_1B: 24
pin_enable1: 25
Actually, two types of motor can be used :
openening_duration: "65s"
closing_duration: "60s"
type: l293d
pin_1A: 23
pin_1B: 24
pin_enable1: 2
openening_duration: "65s"
closing_duration: "60s"
type: bts7960
forward_PWM: 23
backward_PWM: 24
forward_enable: 2
backward_enable: 3
Two modes are available :
It is actually also used by a friend who have 160 chickens. Below an overview of how it looks like.
I do not set any licence as of now. Please do not use code for commercial purpose, instead, contact me and we could work together. Chickens are against money problems..