falseen / whmcs-freeradius

FreeRADIUS server module for WHMCS
2 stars 3 forks source link

WHMCS Freeradius

Slack Status Stories in Ready

Important note...

There have been recent untested changes and additions. Log an issue as needed or sponsor a WHMCS testing license / server, if you like.

I think this would be the legal/disclaimer stuff...

I have worked on this project for a very long time. In that time I have modified many versions of this module, made by others(for clients). In that process, some logic just worked better, so I adopted it. for example:

The date_range and freeradius_username functions are from the freeRADIUS module made by WHMCS, I think. I was previously using MySQL for the date ranges and returning errors on duplicate usernames. These just work better.

Please pull and fix or contribute


FreeRADIUS servers