fameandpartners / node-webpack-react-microservice

Node / Frontend / Isomorphic service to serve frontend assets using webpack
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Fame and Partners Frontend Microservice

Getting Started

To start developing run npm dev. This should open a local server on port 3000 and generate the application. Since we are using webpack, we have CSS/JS hot reloading. Changes should be pushed to the browser.

To test a production build run npm run production. This will create a build (minified, uglified) and start a simple Node.js server. POST requests with data to :8001/pdp will be converted into JSON props. The request should return static markup with external CSS and JS Build files reflecting the passed props.

How to get the Microservice running

Note: Fame website and the Frontend Microservice are run side by side.

  1. In your .env file from the Fame website repo (not this repo) add this line NODE_CONTENT_URL='http://localhost:8001' and save it;
  2. Clone this repo locally (but not inside your Fame website repo folder);
  3. In your terminal go to the microservice repo and enter the app folder;
  4. Run npm install to get all dependencies;
  5. Run npm run dev to start it.

Dev Guides