fandf92 / foxrestapiclient

RestAPI client for F&F Fox devices.
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Restart STR1S2 via Rest API? #4

Open KaoriRinaFujimoto opened 1 year ago

KaoriRinaFujimoto commented 1 year ago

Hi guys, first of all thank you for this useful repository.

I've got a couple of STR1S2 controllers installed in my home to control the blinds. Unfortunately one of them is acting a little up but can be reached via the REST API. It won't change blind levels and when sending GET request for get_open_level it counts down the level from 255 to 0 in an endless loop.

Currently I'm away from home, so cannot reach the device physically - so I was wondering: is there any way to trigger a reboot command via the rest api? (which hopefully might fix the issue)


PS: I hope this is the right platform to ask the question, otherwise apologies for that in advance

FiF-JacOwcz commented 1 year ago

Hi, At the beginning - it is not possible to remotely reset the controller using the REST command, it is only possible using the Fox application or by the RESET button on the device.

Regarding control via REST - can you write something more about it?

KaoriRinaFujimoto commented 1 year ago

Hi @FiF-JacOwcz and thanks for your reply.

I found someone who restarted the above mentioned controller in my house and the issue seems to be gone :)

Regarding your questions:

Do you only access the device via REST API?

yes, currently I've enabled the REST API on all controllers and that works pretty smooth usually

What is the syntax of your SET and GET commands?

To receive the blind Level I usually send out a request via curl, e.g. curl http://[ip-of-device]/[api-key]/get_open_level
To set the blind level I send this command: curl http://[ip-of-device]/[api-key]/set_open_level/?level=100 (to set it to be fully open and level=0 to have it closed)

After sending the GET command, do you get successive values (e.g. 4, 3, 2, 1) or e.g. 112, 85, 31, 5?

I'm cannot say for certain whether or not values have been skipped, since I've send out the requests to get the blind levels with a few seconds delay in between each request, but I observed that they counted down from 255 up until 0 and then started again from 255 - so it was more like 255, 240, 210, 190, ... 0.
It took about ~20 seconds or so for one of those "loops".

Does the controller send any response after sending the SET command?

not that I've remembered, the response looked normal. But I'm not sure and cannot reproduce it anymore since the issue is fixed. But in case it pops up again I'll check for it.

Anyways, thanks again and feel free to close this issue, since my initial question regarding restart via REST API has been answered. :+1: