fandf92 / foxrestapiclient

RestAPI client for F&F Fox devices.
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RestAPI Client for F&F Fox devices

This package contains simple RestAPI client written in Python for F&F Filipowski Sp. j. Fox devices such as single switch & energy (R1S1), double switch (R2S2), led (LED2S2), dimmer (DIM1S2), color module (RGBW), roller shutter (STR1S2).


To obtain communication with device you should firstly configure it via F&F Fox mobile application available on Android and IOS (instructions included in app). Next grant access to remote control and enable RestAPI server with one of the following mode

Attention All F&F Fox devices supports now only HTTP GET request method. In near future mqtt client will be available.


Example - Toggle state of channel

To run this example first clone and install our client library.

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
git clone
cd foxrestapiclient/ && python install

The following example illustrates how to configure and use F&F Fox double switch module via our client.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import asyncio

from foxrestapiclient.devices.fox_r2s2_device import DeviceData, FoxR2S2Device
from foxrestapiclient.devices.const import DEVICE_TYPE_R2S2

async def main():
    # Name: name of device
    NAME = None
    # Host: device IP address (e.g
    HOST = '_device_IP_address_'
    # API_KEY: auth api key, get it from F&F Fox mobile app
    API_KEY = '0000' # The API key is set to 0000 when the type REST API is set to "key not required"
    # UNIQUE_ID: unique id for device
    UNIQUE_ID = None
    # TYPE: device type (see wiki page)
    # CHANNELS: optional channel array. Eg. [1, 2]
    CHANNELS = None
    # Channel ID which we want to toggle

    doubleSwitch = FoxR2S2Device(DeviceData(
        name=NAME, host=HOST, api_key=API_KEY, mac_addr=UNIQUE_ID, dev_type=TYPE, channels=CHANNELS))

    # Fetching all available info of device: general device data and product specify values
    await doubleSwitch.async_fetch_device_available_data()

    # Toggle state of channel
    channelStateToSet = not doubleSwitch.channel_two_state
    apiResult = await doubleSwitch.async_update_channel_state(channelStateToSet, CHANNEL_ID_TO_TOGGLE)
    if apiResult:
            f'> Channel {CHANNEL_ID_TO_TOGGLE} toggled to {channelStateToSet} <')

    friendlyName = doubleSwitch.device_info_data.device_friendly_name
    channelsNames = doubleSwitch.device_info_data.device_channels_name

    # Print friendly name and channels names
    print(f'Device firendly name "{friendlyName}"')
    print(f'It\'s channels names {channelsNames}')

if __name__ == '__main__':

More information about how to control device via API methods you can find on wiki page.