fangli / kibana-authentication-proxy

Hosts the latest kibana3 and elasticsearch behind Google OAuth2, Basic Authentication or CAS Authentication
MIT License
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kibana Authentication Proxy

Hosts the latest kibana3 and elasticsearch behind Google OAuth2, Basic Authentication or CAS Authentication with NodeJS and Express.

We NO LONGER support third-party plugins such as Bigdesk or Head since it's hard to test and maintain


It's just a standard nodejs application, you could install it in the same server with ES, or not. Before run the following commands, please make sure you have nodejs and npm well installed.

# git clone
# cd kibana-authentication-proxy/
# git submodule init
# git submodule update
# npm install

// You may want to update the built-in kibana3 to the latest version, just run
# cd kibana && git checkout master && git pull

// Then edit config.js, make sure you have everything checked in the config file
// and run!
# node app.js


All settings are placed in /config.js, hack it as you go.

Elasticsearch backend configurations

Client settings

Client authentication settings

We currently support 3 auth methods: Google OAuth2, BasicAuth and CAS, you can use one of them or all of them. it depends on the configuration you have.

1. Google OAuth2


Google OAuth2 needs authorized redirect URIs for your app, please add it first as below, http://YOUR-KIBANA-SITE:[listen_port]/auth/google/callback in production or http://localhost:[listen_port]/auth/google/callback for local test

2. Basic Authentication

3. CAS Auth





kibana Authentication Proxy is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2013 Fang Li, Funplus Game

See LICENCE for details.