fangohr / paper-supplement-standard-problem-dmi

Electronic and additional information for manuscript on micromagnetic standard problem DMI
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Electronic and additional information for the manuscript: Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

Authors: D. Cortés-Ortuño, M. Beg, V. Nehruji, L. Breth, R. Pepper, T. Kluyver, G. Downing, T. Hesjedal, P. Hatton, T. Lancaster, R. Hertel, O. Hovorka and H. Fangohr

This repository contains scripts and notebooks to reproduce the four standard problems specified in the paper. The majority of the problems are specified with an artificial ferromagnetic material:

D     :: 3     mJ m^-2  
A     :: 13    pJ m^-1  
Ms    :: 0.86  MA m^-1  
Ku    :: 0.4   MJ m^-3

Simulations are based on the micromagnetic packages Fidimag, OOMMF and MuMax3.

One-dimensional problem

A 100 nm x 1 nm x 1 nm wire made of a Py-like material

Two-dimensional problem

A 100 nm wide and 2 nm thick disk made of a Py-like material

Three-dimensional problem

A 183 nm wide and 21 nm thick FeGe cylinder under an applied field B

Material parameters are

D     :: 1.58   mJ m^-2  
A     :: 8.78   pJ m^-1  
Ms    :: 0.384  MA m^-1
B     :: 0.4    T

Dynamics problem

Calculation of the spin wave-spectrum of a permalloy-like thin film with Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interactions.


In the notebooks folder there is a notebook for every standard problem. Fidimag and OOMMF simulations can be run directly from the notebooks.

MuMax3 simulations can be run from the Makefile in the sims/MUMAX3/ folder, which automatically converts OVF files into readable formats to analyse the data in the notebooks. These simulations are in a separate folder since MuMax3 requires a proper installation with a working NVidia graphics card.

Simulations for the calculation of spin wave spectra are computationally intensive, thus they can be run separately from the scripts and Makefiles in the sims/spin_waves_sims/ folder. Some of these scripts are called from the corresponding notebook with the analysis of the data of the dynamics problem. Tools to process the data from spin wave simulations can be found in the sims/spin_waves_sims/data_libs/ folder.

Finite element calculation results can be found in the notebooks whose names finish with finite-element. These results were obtained with non-publicly available finite element codes, thus they are mostly for reference, but simulation scripts for one of the finite element packages are hosted in the sims/finmag/ directory.


For the OOMMF code we simulate different DMI classes using these modules, which can be installed in OOMMF's source code separately:

  1. Cnv - interfacial DMI (repository),
  2. T(O) - bulk DMI (repository), and
  3. D2d - antiskyrmion DMI (repository)

For the MuMax3 code, we simulate D2d DMI from a new module hosted in this repository, in the sims/MUMAX3/src_files folder. These can be installed by copying the files in the corresponding directories of the MuMax3 source code and re-compiling it.


Data to reproduce the plots in the paper, without running the notebooks, are provided as text files in the notebooks/data directory.


It is possible to interactively run the simulations and analyse the data from a Jupyter notebook server provided by Binder. For this it is only necessary to click on the badge at the top of this documentation. The server only allows to run Fidimag and OOMMF simulations at the moment.


To cite this repository refer to:

  author       = {David Cort{\'e}s-Ortu{\~n}o and Marijan Beg and Vanessa Nehruji and Leoni Breth and Ryan Pepper and Thomas Kluyver and Gary Downing and Thorsten Hesjedal and Peter Hatton and Tom Lancaster and Riccardo Hertel and Ondrej Hovorka and Hans Fangohr},
  title        = {Data set for: Proposal for a micromagnetic standard problem for materials with {Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya} interaction},
  howpublished = {Zenodo doi:10.5281/zenodo.1174311. Github:},
  month        = apr,
  year         = {2018},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.1174311},
  url          = {},