fangzong12 / Multi-task_face_attribute

This is a light model for the multi-task face attribute !
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This is a light model for the multi-task face attribute !

This project is built for prediction of face attribute with Pycharm. The model is trained by celebA. Here is the accurary and the FaceAttribute-FAN is built by TencentYoutuResearch:

属性 FaceAttribute-FAN FA-Net
Bangs(刘海) 96.15 92.09
Blurry(模糊) 96.27 95.27
Eyeglasses(眼睛) 99.54 95.96
Male(男性) 98.22 89.33
Wearing_Hat(戴帽子) 99.08 97.37
Wearing_Necktie(戴领带) 96.98 94.67
AVG 97.70 94.12