fanningert / webtrees_simpleautologin

This module provides a simple way to add a SSO auto login for webtrees in combination with a authentication proxy (like oauth2-proxy).
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
9 stars 0 forks source link

License: GPL v3

Simple Auto Login for Webtrees

This module provides a simple way to add a SSO auto login for webtrees in combination with a authentication proxy (like oauth2-proxy).


Requires webtrees 2.0.

Using Git

If you are using git, you could also clone the current main branch directly into your modules_v4 directory by calling:

git clone modules_v4/webtrees_simpleautologin

Manual installation

To manually install the module, perform the following steps:

  1. Download the latest release.
  2. Upload the downloaded file to your web server.
  3. Unzip the package into your modules_v4 directory.
  4. Rename the folder to webtrees_simpleautologin


  1. Visit the Control Panel
  2. Click "All modules"
  3. Scroll to "Simple Auto Login"
  4. Check the checkbox for this module.
  5. Scroll to the bottom.
  6. Click the "save" button.
  7. Add trusted_header_authenticated_user to the config.ini.php of webtrees

Known server parameter:

Example: trusted_header_authenticated_user="REMOTE_USER";


  1. Visit the Control Panel
  2. Click "All modules"
  3. Scroll to "Simple Auto Login"
  4. Clear the checkbox for this module.
  5. Scroll to the bottom.
  6. Click the "save" button.

Alternatively, you can unload the module by renaming modules_v4/webtrees_simpleautologin/ to modules_v4/webtrees_simpleautologin.disable/


It is safe to delete the webtrees_simpleautologin directory at any time.

Landscape examples


In my installation, I have Caddy as a first line reverse proxy. Behind this is a authentication proxy (oauth2-proxy) for the oauth authentication with keycloak.

caddy -> oauth2-proxy -> webtrees

caddy configuration {
  reverse_proxy <oauth-proxy: https://x.x.x.x:port> {
    transport http {

oauth2-proxy configuration

I am running oauth2-proxy as container (podman).

podman create --name "oauthproxy_core" --pod "oauthproxy" \
              -v "/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro" \
              --provider=oidc \
              --provider-display-name="Keycloak" \
              --client-id="app_webtrees" \
              --client-secret="<client-secret>" \
              --email-domain=* \
              --oidc-issuer-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/auth/realms/<realm>" \
              --login-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/auth" \
              --redeem-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
              --validate-url="http(s)://<keycloak host>/auth/realms/<realm>/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo" \
              --allowed-group="<allowed_user_group>" \
              --whitelist-domain="<>" \
              --cookie-domain="<>" \
              --cookie-secure=true \
              --cookie-secret="${COOKIE_SECRET}" \
              --scope="openid profile email roles" \
              --http-address="" \
              --upstream="<webtrees url>" \
              --ssl-upstream-insecure-skip-verify="true" \
              --reverse-proxy="true" \
              --insecure-oidc-allow-unverified-email=true \

More information can be find here.

Keycloak configuration