fantadrinker / finance-app

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This is a webapp to handle tracking my finance, categorizing spending and keep track of how much I spend on what kinds of stuff each month.

Frontend - How to build

first cd to frontend

cd frontend

run this command to build

npm install

run this command to run test server on local

npm run start

Backend - How to build


first cd to backend

cd backend_lambdas_sam

then validate template.yaml

sam validate

then build local python code

sam build --use-container

then deploy to cloud

sam deploy

or develop locally

sam sync

when deploying or syncing, the samconfig.toml is already setup to sync to development stack so don't need to worry about accidentally breaking production

Dev Plans

today added auth0 integration, next steps:

  1. Set up auto deployment to github pages (done 03/08/2023)
  2. Rewrite django backend with lambda and dynamoDB (done)
  3. Prettify UI (done)
  4. add dynamodb integrity check function (done)

The above are pretty much all done, here's the next set of features I'm gonna work on:

  1. Right now the API connects to remote server. It's probably better or more user attractive to move some work to client-side. Explore using localStorage instead of backend to persist data.
  2. On insights page, transitions need to be animated.
  3. Insights page, I would like to see monthly trend for a specific set of categories.
  4. Explore more on user custom mappings.