faraplay / ImasArchiveS

C# App for reading and patching imas archives
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App to read, edit, extract and patch files from the game Idolmaster: One For All (PS3).

Instructions for usage


Click on "File >> Open >> Open Arc" to open a new arc file. Make sure that the corresponding .bin file of the same name is in the same directory as the .arc file when you do this.

Click on "File >> Open >> Open Par" to open a par file, and "File >> Open >> Open GTF" to open a gtf (image) file.

To view a file in the hex viewer, click "File >> Open >> Open in Hex Viewer".

To open a UI component file, click on "File >> Open >> Open Component Par".

Alternatively, you can click on "File >> New Arc" to select a folder from which a new .arc file (and corresponding .bin) will be built.

To close the currently open file, click on "File >> Close". Note that no changes will be saved.


To patch an arc file, click on "Patch >> Patch Arc From Zip". Then select the arc file to patch and the .zip file containing the new files. The program will then prompt you to input a name for the patched .arc file. Make sure to input a new name - do not attempt to overwrite the .arc file that is currently being patched. When patching the game, make sure to patch each of the arc files. This includes the DLC (though you'll have to decrypt those first, using another program).

Patch creation

You can create the patch file containing all the translated commus yourself. First, download the spreadsheet containing all the translations, and then open it in Excel and save it again (as a .xlsx file). You'll also need to extract all parameter files from all the .arc files of the original game, copy-paste the translated text into the extracted parameter spreadsheets, and save it again.

To add images and lyrics files to the patch, you'll need the filenames.xlsx files you get from extracting all images/lyrics (see below), as those contain the details of where in the .arc files the images/lyrics are stored.

Then, in this app, select "File >> New Patch" and enter a name for the new patch. You can now use the "Patch Zip >> Add..." options to add new files.

Do not attempt to add the same file more than once.

Any changes you make will not be saved until you close the patch.zip file through "File >> Close". Your changes will not be saved if you close the whole program without doing this!

Arc file options

Extracting & Replacing files

You can browse through the folders within the .arc in the sidebar on the left. Double-click to open a folder or file.

Opening a file will display its contents in the hex viewer on the right.

You can extract a particular file by right-clicking it in the file browser pane and selecting "Export" from the menu that pops up. You can also extract all files in the arc by selecting "Arc >> Extract All" and typing in a new folder name.

You can replace a file with the contents of another file by right-clicking the file to be replaced and selecting "Import" from the menu that pops up.

Note that renaming the file is not supported.

To save your changes to the arc, select "Arc >> Save Arc". Then input a new name for the arc. Note that overwriting the currently open arc is not allowed.

Extracting Specific Data

To extract all commus from the arc, choose "Arc >> Extract... >> Extract Commus", then input a name for the new spreadsheet. All the text and data for the commu messages will be outputted into a new spreadsheet.

Data in the parameter folder can also be extracted. Choose "Arc >> Extract... >> Extract Parameter Data" to extract to a spreadsheet. Note that research into the types of data is still ongoing, so the data that is extracted may vary from version to version of this program.

Images and lyrics can also be extracted. Select "Arc >> Extract... >> Extract Images" and input a new folder name to extract all images. To extract lyrics, select "Arc >> Extract... >> Extract Lyrics" and input a new folder name. This process may take a very long time.

Font patching

To patch the font (stored in disc.arc) for the patched commus, choose "Arc >> Patch Font" while disc.arc is opened. Note that the default font included with the game is quite wonky, and it's better to use a custom-edited font when patching.

UI Component Options

Viewing UI Component

Simply select a UI component file (it will be a .par file) to open it. The program will display a layout with several panes. The sizes of these panes can be adjusted by dragging the splitters between the panes.

Subcomponent selection

At the very top there will be a dropdown box where you can pick the subcomponent to view. If there is only one subcomponent then it will automatically be selected. Otherwise, you will have to click on one yourself to view it.

Once a subcomponent has been selected, there will be several more panes.

Control browser

The Elements tab on the pane on the left shows the elements that make up the subcomponent, shown in a tree format. Click on the little triangle to the left of an element to expand it and see its child elements.

You can click on an element to view its data in the rightmost pane. Double-clicking on a control will display it in the centre pane.

The checkbox next to the element's name toggles the visibility of a element. You can hide elements from being displayed in the center pane by toggling the checkbox.

There are various different types of elements that behave differently. One type of element (has a stack of images as an icon) can have several different appearances, which you can select from by expanding and clicking on one of its children's radio buttons.

Spritesheet browser

The Spritesheets tab on the left pane shows the spritesheets used in the control. Click on a spritesheet to view it in the right pane, or double-click it to display it in the centre pane. You can also right-click on a spritesheet to replace it with another .png image.

Control view

This displays the control on a checkered background. Note that the rendering may not be 100% accurate to the ingame appearance.

Text elements with no text specified will be rendered with a string of lowercase 'a's.

The "Center sprite" checkbox will render the sprite in the center of the pane, instead of near the top left corner.

Details view

This displays the details of the selected control. There are multiple textboxes where you can edit the various parameters of the control, which will affect the appearance of the control. To edit a value, click on the box, type in the new value, and then click on another box in the pane.

To save your changes to the UI component file, click on the Save button just under the main menu pane.

Other file options

Converting images to GTF

Click on "File >> Convert Image to GTF" to open the GTF conversion dialog.

Select an image to convert by clicking on the "Select Image" button, and select a file name for the new GTF by clicking "Select Save Location".

You also need to select a GTF type by choosing from the drop-down list. It's best to match the type of the GTF file you are trying to replace. Note that some types do not support transparency.

GTF (image) viewer

Clicking the "Save" menu option allows you to export the GTF file as a PNG file.

Hex viewer

You can select the encoding for the text view on the the right by choosing from the Encoding menu header. There are three options:


Command-line app to patch and extract game files as well as create patches.

It has the following operations:


Type "imas help" to get this.

This explains how to use the app and what each option does.


Patches an arc file with the specified patch and outputs to the new filename. Make sure the input and output filenames are different as the program will not allow you to overwrite the input file.


Creates or adds to a patch file. You can add commus, parameter files, images, lyrics files, or any other type of file with this. The default behaviour is to add to the existing patch file, or create a new patch file if none exists. You can override this and force it to overwrite the old patch by using the overwrite option.


Extracts files or data from an arc file. You can extract commu or parameter data in the form of a spreadsheet, extract all images or lyrics to a new directory, or extract all files to a new directory. Note that you can only extract one thing at a time.


This will copy columns from a source spreadsheet to a destination spreadsheet. This will only copy from one column to another if the sheets they are in share the same name, the columns have the same heading, and the sheet name is one of a few specified names. This is useful for copying translated text from the Google sheet to a parameter data spreadsheet.

Note that with all of these options you can use the -v or --verbose option to make the program output reports of its progress to the console.