farkam135 / Myrmey-Assist

The all-in-one UCI SOC
MIT License
1 stars 1 forks source link

Myrmey Assist Myrmey the Anteater

An all in one UCI SOC

How To Run

Database Setup

  1. Install postgreSQL
  2. Create a database, I named mine myrmey
  3. Execute setup/myrmeydb.sql to create all required tables

Web Server Setup

  1. cd ./project-myrmey
  2. Modify config.json to set your db options as well as the server's salt for hashing purposes
  3. Start the web server: npm i && npm start

Website Development

Start the react development server by running: cd ./web && npm i && npm start Make sure the web server and database are running as well!


Bryan Fullam
Santiago Martin