farlee2121 / FsSpec

FsSpec represents value constraints as data to reuse one constraint declaration for validation, data generation, error explanation, and more.
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data-generation type-driven-development validation


CI Build Nuget (with prereleases)

NOTE: Looking for feedback and experiences with the library to smooth it out. Please leave a comment!

What is FsSpec and why would you use it?

Short Motivation

FsSpec represents value constraints as data to reuse one constraint declaration for validation, data generation, error explanation, and more.

It also makes for a concise and consistent Type-Driven approach

open FsSpec
type InventoryCount = private InventoryCount of int
module InventoryCount = 
    let spec = Spec.all [Spec.min 0; Spec.max 1000]
    let tryCreate n =
      Spec.validate spec n 
      |> Result.map InventoryCount

// Generate data
let inventoryAmounts = Gen.fromSpec InventoryCount.spec |> Gen.sample 0 10

Longer Motivation

Type-Driven and/or Domain-Driven systems commonly model data types with constraints. For example,

We centralize these constraints by wrapping them in a type, such as

type PhoneNumber = private PhoneNumber of string
module PhoneNumber = 
    let tryCreate str =
      if (Regex(@"\d{3}-\d{4}-\d{4}").IsMatch(str))
      then Some (PhoneNumber str)
      else None 

This is great. It prevents defensive programming from leaking around the system and clearly encodes expectations on data. It avoids the downsides of primitive obsession.

However, we're missing out on some power. We're encoding constraints in a way that only gives us pass/fail validation. We have to duplicate constraint information if we want to explain a failed value, generate data, or similar actions.

FsSpec represents these constraints as data so that our programs can understand the constraints on a value.

let inventorySpec = Spec.all [Spec.min 0; Spec.max 1000]

// Validation
Spec.isValid inventorySpec 20

// Explanation: understand what constraints failed (as a data structure)
Spec.explain inventorySpec -1

// Validation Messages
Spec.explain inventorySpec -1 |> Formatters.prefix_allresults // returns: "-1 failed with: and [min 0 (FAIL); max 1000 (OK)]"

// Data Generation (with FsCheck)
Gen.fromSpec inventorySpec |> Gen.sample 0 10  // returns 10 values between 0 and 1000

There are also other possibilities FsSpec doesn't have built-in. For example,

Spec Composition and Resuse

Specs are just values which can be stored and composed. This opens up opportunity for readable and reusable data constraints.

For example, we can break up complex constraints

let markdown = //could vary in complexity
let sanitizedMarkdown = markdown &&& //whatever sanitization looks like
let recipeIngredientSpec = sanitizedMarkdown &&& notEmpty 

Breaking out sub-constraints improves readability, but also identifies constraints we might reuse, like markdown or maybe FullName, FutureDate, PastDate, NonNegativeInt etc.

Such constraints can be centralized and reused like any other data (e.g. readonly members of a module). They do not have to be associated with a type, making them fairly light weight. There is also no duplication if such cross-cutting constraints change in the future.

Basic Value Type using FsSpec

It's still a good idea to create value types for constrained values. Here's how you might do it with FsSpec

open FsSpec
type InventoryCount = private InventoryCount of int
module InventoryCount = 
    let spec = Spec.all [Spec.min 0; Spec.max 1000]
    let tryCreate n =
      Spec.validate spec n 
      |> Result.map InventoryCount

Supported Constraints

Generation Limitations

Nuget (with prereleases)

Data generation can't be done efficiently for all specifications. The library recognizes special cases and filters a standard generator of the base type for everything else.

Supported cases

Predicates have limited generation support. For example,

let spec = Spec.predicate "predicate min/max" (fun i -> 0 < i && i < 5)

The above case will probably not generate. It is filtering a list of randomly generated integers, and it is unlikely many of them will be in the narrow range of 0 to 5. FsSpec can't understand the intent of the predicate to create a smarter generator.

Impossible specs (like all [min 10; max 5]), also cannot produce generators. The library tries to catch impossible specs and thrown an error instead of returning a bad generator.

Complex / Composed Types

FsSpec doesn't currently support composed types like tuples, records, unions, and objects.

The idea is that these types should enforce their expectations through the types they compose. Scott Wlaschin gives a great example as part of his designing with types series.

A short sample here.

Sum types (i.e. unions) represent "OR". Any valid value for any of their cases should be a valid union value. The cases themselves should be of types that enforces any necessary assumptions

type Contact = 
  | Phone of PhoneNumber
  | Email of Email

Product types (records, tuples, objects) should represent "AND". They expect their members to be filled. If a product type doesn't require all of it's members, the members that are not required should be made Options.

type Person = {
  // each field enforces it's own constraints
  Name: FullName 
  Phone: PhoneNumber option // use option for non-required fields
  Email: Email option

Rules involving multiple members should be refactored to a single member of a type that enforces the expectation. A common example is requiring a primary contact method, but allowing multiple contact methods.

type Contact = 
  | Phone of PhoneNumber
  | Email of Email

type Person = {
  Name: FullName 
  PrimaryContactInfo: Contact
  OtherContactInfo: Contact list

See Designing with Types (free blog series) or the fantastic Domain Modeling Made Functional (book) for more detailed examples.

What this library is not

This library does look improve programmatic accessibility of data constraints for reuse. The library can be used for all kinds of approaches that use constraints on data.

However, the library is made with existing Type-driven approaches in mind. Scott Wlaschin has a great series on type-driven design if you are not familiar.

This library is not an extension to F#'s type system. The types representing constrainted values are created as normal using F#'s type system. FsSpec works within this approach to make the constraints more accessible, but does not change the overall approach or add additional safety guarantees. F* may be of interest if you need static checks based on constraints.

FsSpec is also not intended for assertions or Design by Contract style constraint enforcement. A DbC approach is fairly easy to achieve with FsSpec, but there is no plan to support it natively. Type-driven is the recommended approach.

Type-driven approaches bias systems toward semantic naming of constrained values, centralization of reused constraints, and error handling pushed to the system edge. Design by Contract does not share these benefits.

If you still desire assertions, here's an example of how it can be done

module Spec = 
  let assert' spec value =
    let valueExplanation = Spec.explain spec value
    if Explanation.isOk valueExplanation.Explanation
    then ()
    else failwith (valueExplanation |> Formatters.prefix_allresults)

This could then be used like this

let divide dividend divisor = 
  Spec.assert' NonNegativeInt divisor

Again, this assertion-based approach is not recommended.


This library is early in development. The goal is to get feedback and test the library in real applications before adding too many features. Please leave a comment with your feedback.

Lines of inquiry include

Project Status

The most foundational features (validation, generation, explanation) are implemented and tested. The library should be reliable, but the public API is subject to change based on feedback.

The main goal right now is to gather feedback, validate usefulness, and determine next steps, if any.


This library borrows inspiriation from many sources

Original Experiments

I previously looked into adding constraints as a more integrated part of the F# type system. Those experiments failed, but are still available to explore.

If you want such a type system, you might checkout F*, Idris, or Dafny.