farrajota / fastrcnn-example-torch

Example code on how to use the fastrcnn package for torch7
MIT License
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fast-rcnn samplecode torch7

Fast R-CNN example code

This example code showcases the use of the Fast R-CNN package for training and testing a network for object detection.



Packages/dependencies installation

To use this example code, some packages are required for it to work: fastrcnn and dbcollection.


To install the Fast R-CNN package do the following:

luarocks install tds
luarocks install cudnn
luarocks install inn
luarocks install matio
luarocks install torchnet
git clone https://github.com/farrajota/fast-rcnn-torch
cd fast-rcnn-torch && luarocks make rocks/*

For more information about the fastrcnn package see here.


To install the dbcollection package do the following:

For more information about the dbcollection package see here.


To start using the code, clone this repo to your home directory:

git clone https://github.com/farrajota/fastrcnn-example-torch

If you clone the repo into a different directory, please make sure you modify projectdir.lua and point to the new path before using the code.

Data setup

The necessary data is available for download by calling the following command in the terminal:

th download/download_all.lua

This will download the following data:

Note: this data can also be downloaded manually by following the next steps.

Pre-trained models

Several pre-trained models are available to be used in this example code. To download these networks, simply run the following command in the terminal (assuming you are in the root dir of the repo):

th download/download_pretrained_models.lua

This will download the following network types pretrained on the ImageNet ILSVRC2012 dataset: alexnet, zeilernet, googlenet, vgg and resnet

RoI Proposals

To download the roi proposals, simply run the following command in the terminal (again, assuming you are in the root dir of the repo):

th download/download_roi_proposals.lua


To run the example code, the user can let the script handle the data download and setup.

However, if the user already has downloaded the data to disk, it is advisable to manually setup the dataset before runing the script to avoid downloading the data to disk.

To do this you can do the following:

dbc = require 'dbcollection.manager'
dbc.add{name='pascal_voc_2007', data_dir='path/to/dataset', task={}, file_path={}}

Even if you don't have the dataset, it is best to manually setup the dataset because this way you can specify the path where data will be stored on disk. Like the previous example, to setup a dataset's data you simply need to do the following:

dbc = require 'dbcollection.manager'
dbc.load{name='pascal_voc_2007', data_dir='save/dir/path'}

Note: If no path is provided, the dataset will be stored in the ~/dbcollection/<dataset_name>/data/ directory in your home path.

Available datasets

The following datasets are available for training/testing an object detector using this repo:

Note: For a list of all available datasets fro train/test check options.lua.

Train and test a model using the example code

This repository contains scripts for training and testing an object detector network using a pre-trained network on ImageNet for feature extraction such as the alexnet or resnet.

Note: several options are available for configuring the training/testing parameters (see options.lua for a complete set of available parameters).

Training a network

To train a model run th train.lua. To change the default settings, use the input arguments of your choice. To see all available option's parameters do th train.lua --help or check options.lua.

Testing a network (mAP accuracy)

To test a network's accuracy, run th test.lua and define the -expID, -dataset and -expDir input options (if changed) to compute the mean average-precision.

Note: Network evaluation (test) only uses a single GPU for inference.


In the scripts/ folder there are several pre-configured example scripts for training and testing a network. To run a script just call them like this:

th scripts/train_test_alexnet_voc2007.lua

Running the demo

To run the basic demo code you'll first need to train a network model. After this is done, just simply run the demo on the terminal:

qlua demo.lua -expID <exp_name> -dataset <dataset_name>

After running the demo you should see something like this:

alt text

Note: This image was taken from this repo. In the demo script a random image is selected from the test set and displayed. To change the generated image just modify the -manualSeed value.


MIT license (see the LICENSE file)