fast4x / RiMusic

A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Please Improve Gradients #1878

Open aneesh1122 opened 2 weeks ago

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago


GridArt_20240516_194405910 The color chosen for background has no relation to the album cover. They are the total mismatch. No gradient either . . GridArt_20240516_194721161 So many colors to choose from but RiMusic chose only one color. No gradient either

GridArt_20240516_200025685 Here the color chosen is right because there's only 1 color but there's no gradient. The background has only one shade throughout. It should be lighter shade to darker shade when there's only one color

Don't get me wrong, there are times when RiMusic does a great job in choosing colors like but they are very rare.

Suggested Solution

Please improve the colors selection. Take 2 colors atleast for gradient background. If there's only one color then choose different shades of it.

Also, colors look very muted. Take saturated/colorful shades of the color. Go crazy if you want to. Also suggested in #1857


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Additional Context

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AquamarineDreams commented 2 weeks ago

It depends of the song. Some songs have a wonderful gradient


aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

It depends of the song. Some songs have a wonderful gradient


I know and I was about to post your screenshot here. These songs are very rare and I have no idea how RiMusic chooses color. It's so random.

The thing is, it shouldn't work for 'some' song. It should work for all the songs.

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

I have to admit that I've often had this impression myself. And also that certain colors, for example, yellow, somehow don't appear.

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

I have to admit that I've often had this impression myself. And also that certain colors, for example, yellow, somehow don't appear.

I'm looking forward to the fluid gradient background but if it follows the same color selection then I don't think it will be that effective.

AquamarineDreams commented 2 weeks ago

I have to admit that I've often had this impression myself. And also that certain colors, for example, yellow, somehow don't appear.

I'm looking forward to the fluid gradient background but if it follows the same color selection then I don't think it will be that effective.

Probably it won't, since it's external code

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

I have to admit that I've often had this impression myself. And also that certain colors, for example, yellow, somehow don't appear.

I'm looking forward to the fluid gradient background but if it follows the same color selection then I don't think it will be that effective.

Probably it won't, since it's external code

What if it's taking color selection from the default code? πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

fast4x commented 2 weeks ago

Actually only one color is selected and it's dominant... In the future would be up to 8 colors... quite.. quite... LOL

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

Actually only one color is selected and it's dominant... In the future would be up to 8 colors... quite.. quite... LOL

For some songs it takes 2 dominant colors like in the examples @AquamarineDreams posted.

One as the upper Gradient and the 2nd color as the app's accent color but those songs are very rare.

fast4x commented 2 weeks ago

In the future I'll find new solutions

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

Here's just an example (and, of course, to further pressure fast4x in this regard πŸ˜‚), the app that, in my opinion, does the best job with colors. It's called 'Phonograph Plus':

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

Here's just an example (and, of course, to further pressure fast4x in this regard πŸ˜‚), the app that, in my opinion, does the best job with colors. It's called 'Phonograph Plus':

Completely wrong at 3rd and 5th songs πŸ˜‚

btw recommend any kotlin app which has multiple colors gradient based on album cover. That will be helpful.

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

Completely wrong at 3rd and 5th songs πŸ˜‚

Bullshit, there's nothing incorrect about it. The colors are chosen based on a specific, straightforward scheme. In the third example, it's evident that blue is the primary color of the cover, hence why the app selects blue. It's quite simple. As for the fifth image, 'white' predominates. As we all understand, white isn't technically a color. Therefore, an alternative color was chosen. Given that the image contains a variety of hues, debating which color is correct becomes nonsensical. I doubt you're aware of any app that handles it better.

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

I can even tell you why the app chose brown for the 5th image: because the entire image has a brownish tint, making it the dominant color. However, since the nature of a color tint is transparent, and the app can only select solid colors, one might initially consider the color choice as incorrect. But it isn't.

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

In the third example, it's evident that blue is the primary color of the cover

BULLSHIT. Even a blind guy can tell that there's no blue color in that cover.


It's not even in the top 5 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

It's not even in the top 5 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Are you kidding me? Why are you just leaving out the dominant color?

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

It's not even in the top 5 πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Are you kidding me? Why are you the only one leaving out the color that's most prominent on the cover?

WTF? that was the part of the cover? then you're right anon.

dAtA-TRoN commented 2 weeks ago

WTF? that was the part of the cover? then you're right anon.

Glad we cleared that up πŸ™„.

AquamarineDreams commented 2 weeks ago

Bro is onto nothing πŸ—£οΈπŸ”₯πŸ”₯

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 2 weeks ago

Screenshot_2024-05-17-23-44-58-782_it fast4x rimusic Y'all can atleast read the authors name and song name but the gradient algorithm wasnt by my side.

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

Screenshot_2024-05-17-23-44-58-782_it fast4x rimusic Y'all can atleast read the authors name and song name but the gradient algorithm wasnt by my side.

Theme? Theme mode? Background colors?

I tried The light themes but couldn't reproduce your problem.

Maybe you're using custom themes? Change the text colors then.

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 2 weeks ago

Screenshot_2024-05-17-23-44-58-782_it fast4x rimusic Y'all can atleast read the authors name and song name but the gradient algorithm wasnt by my side.

Theme? Theme mode? Background colors?

I tried The light themes but couldn't reproduce your problem.

Maybe you're using custom themes? Change the text colors then. Theme:- Modern Black And gradient:-Frok cover because from theme it gives Black only thanks for such a quick response

fast4x commented 2 weeks ago

New version would be ok

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 2 weeks ago

New version would be ok

Thanks maybe my Android 10 is isnt suitable that much for dark mode

fast4x commented 2 weeks ago

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

aneesh1122 commented 2 weeks ago

New version would be ok

Thanks maybe my Android 10 is isnt suitable that much for dark mode

Use the custom version. You can find it in this repo's homepage

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 2 weeks ago

No sir

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

Hmm no sir till now was using only the latest and i want to try the custom version too but for that if i had to uninstall the current version will lose all my half a gb cached songs and yeah currently low on internet so sorry cant try it even if i had to

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 2 weeks ago

New version would be ok

Thanks maybe my Android 10 is isnt suitable that much for dark mode

Use the custom version. You can find it in this repo's homepage Thanks for even giving me the link but i cant use it reason specified in my answer above

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 1 week ago

Okay i back uped the cache with the help of phind ai and my pc (not a coder fyi) so imma try the custom version now wish me luck

New version would be ok

Thanks maybe my Android 10 is isnt suitable that much for dark mode

Use the custom version. You can find it in this repo's homepage

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 1 week ago

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

No but now i was planning to try it as i back uped the cache but its not in app release error 404 file not found

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 1 week ago

New version would be ok

Just now i tried the rimusic theme in settings the song name and author do appear but not in the vimusic version of thr app tried it on 0.6.34

AquamarineDreams commented 1 week ago

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

No but now i was planning to try it as i back uped the cache but its not in app release error 404 file not found

Download 0.6.35, the background is working now

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 1 week ago

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

No but now i was planning to try it as i back uped the cache but its not in app release error 404 file not found

Download 0.6.35, the background is working now

Okay downloading it🎡🎢

ALMIGHTY-VC commented 1 week ago

Do you have tried custom version of RiMusic?

No but now i was planning to try it as i back uped the cache but its not in app release error 404 file not found

Download 0.6.35, the background is working now

Tried it yes now its so good the gradient but i still(EDIT:-NOW I CAN)ΜΆΜΆΜΆΜΆΜΆΜΆcΜΆΜΆaΜΆnΜΆt play the song fearless by lost sky and custom version isnt available

aneesh1122 commented 1 week ago

There seems to be a problem with golden shade colors. Screenshot_2024-05-19-16-52-11-081_it.fast4x.rimusic.jpg

And this song. Can't post it here because the cover is NSFW

but it worked great here Screenshot_2024-05-19-16-54-45-531_it.fast4x.rimusic.jpg

So I don't know what's happening.