fast4x / RiMusic

A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.21k stars 67 forks source link

RiMusic is a multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.

It was born as an extension of the functionality of ViMusic, which retains the general appearance, colors.

✨ Features

📷 Screenshots

🌐 Languages available

📲 Installation

GitHub IzzyOnDroid F-Droid


WARNING, the custom version is not an official release, download only if invited by the developer! Go to custom version

❓ FAQs

🤝 Contributing

Pull requests are welcome

🔤 Translations

🤝 Contributors


Developer / Designer:

🫂 Acknowledgments

❗ Disclaimer

This project and its contents are not affiliated with, funded, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way associated with YouTube, Google LLC or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries.

Any trademark, service mark, trade name, or other intellectual property rights used in this project are owned by the respective owners.