fast4x / RiMusic

A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.22k stars 67 forks source link

[Feature]: Bluetooth FF & RW Support (Fast forward & Rewind) #2151

Open Rodd15 opened 3 weeks ago

Rodd15 commented 3 weeks ago


Need Bluetooth FF & RW Support (Fast forward & Rewind). It can be useful while driving to skip to the good part of the song or to skip the beginning intro of a podcast or a documentary without touching the phone.

Suggested Solution

Adding FF & RW like the Ymusic app did for youtube.


No response

Additional Context

No response

fast4x commented 3 weeks ago

you can connect phone in BT and control it from car steering command

Rodd15 commented 3 weeks ago

you can connect phone in BT and control it from car steering command

After reading your reply, I went back to test but it's still not working for me. I switched to Ymusic app and it works there with 5 seconds jump. I checked the settings page if I'm missing an option or something but it doesn't seem like that's the case :/

Everything else with my car Bluetooth works with RiMusic though. it's only the FF and RW are the only things that are missing.

fast4x commented 3 weeks ago

Your car and Bluetooth system brand?

Rodd15 commented 3 weeks ago

Toyota Camry 2018 with stock (Pioneer system) I also saw Broadcom under software info but I'm not %100 sure if the Bluetooth chipset made by them.

Using the "Bluetooth Devices info" App I got the following info...

Bluetooth Type: Classic - BR/EDR

Profiles Supported: OPP A2DP - SNK AVRCP Personal Area Networking(PAN) - PANU HFP