fast4x / RiMusic

A multilingual Android application for streaming music from YouTube Music.
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.25k stars 71 forks source link

Miku Style 2.0 #2286

Open JeePopuwu opened 2 weeks ago

JeePopuwu commented 2 weeks ago


In the first version of my request, it was heard in some parts, but today I am going to be more specific and leave a lot of text with all the things that I want to be implemented to the letter. Several things to mention. I did my best to capture the ideas I have

First of all, I leave the video from where I get all the ideas, and I wish Fast to be inspired, I will also tell all the necessary characteristics about the new functions and please follow them to the letter. (more specifically the hearts, since I feel that the progress bars do not need further specification)

Suggested Solution

Now I will give the ideas of the progress bars, which I feel are the easiest to bring.

Picsart_24-06-01_19-49-21-980 Picsart_24-06-01_19-51-11-301 Picsart_24-06-01_19-54-22-779 Picsart_24-06-01_19-56-24-631 Picsart_24-06-01_19-58-33-362 Picsart_24-06-01_20-00-35-620

Now the hearts, in this part I will explain how they should be brought, since some have functions before liking, and many are not in any icon library so I suppose you would have to make them from scratch. It is not necessary to put animations on them, just the functions that I will specify. I will also specify your transition from dislike to like and with example

Degraded Heart: Picsart_24-06-01_17-42-44-181 Its non-like version will be essential and when it becomes like it will have a solid color at the top, a gradient in its middle and no color at the bottom. Heart of line: Picsart_24-05-31_14-02-39-408 (it was the first one I did) this one before touching will have its 7 lines, and when the button is touched it will be filled but keeping those 7 pronounced lines. Open heart: Picsart_24-06-01_19-36-49-040 Before being touched it has its normal shape, but when the button is touched, it is filled but leaving the space that it had before unfilled Broken heart: Picsart_24-06-01_19-41-07-512 Its shape without a like is that of a heart broken at the top (as the image shows) and when you like it, its shape has been filled but not its broken part (as the example shows) Heart with dots: Picsart_24-06-01_19-43-45-602 Its version without like will be essential, but when the button is touched it will be filled like a normal heart, but with two little buttons (as in the image) Square heart: Picsart_24-06-12_12-24-30-541 Its version without like will be (pardon the redundancy) essential and when you like it, its shape appears (as it appears in the image) (I already repeated it a lot but I will continue to repeat it) Melting heart: Picsart_24-06-12_12-39-25-571 This is one of the ones I like the most, its shape without like is without filling. but when you like it it takes filling. upside down heart: Picsart_24-06-12_12-44-03-929 This is one that I think is easy to bring, it is simply turning the heart over, when it doesn't have like its shape is without filling and when it has it it takes filling (another way of calling it is pica like on cards). Graffiti heart: Picsart_24-06-12_12-45-13-911 or crayon heart, its shape before like is essential and when the button is touched it becomes like pen/pencil scratches.


I know that all these ideas are not in icon libraries so Fast will most likely have to make them from scratch, so there is no rush. I think it can be brought in version 0.6.40 or 0.6.41, two versions so that you can work comfortably and without stress in rushing. please if anyone likes or dislikes my idea (Data-tron or anesh) let me know ‹3

Additional Context

thanks for the best music app I've ever tried Fast

ikanakova commented 2 weeks ago

I don't think it's a good idea to increase the MB of the app with more and more icons... RiMusic should retain its elegant/modern look. I honestly don't understand why the choice of different hearts is important, but I guess I'm getting old...

fast4x commented 2 weeks ago

Other icons isn't planned to add, meanwhile other timeline type yes, but moderately.

JeePopuwu commented 2 weeks ago

No está previsto agregar otros íconos, mientras que otros tipos de línea de tiempo sí, pero moderadamente.

You can consider at least the last 4 icons X,D, it took me a long time doing it x,,d

JeePopuwu commented 2 weeks ago

No creo que sea una buena idea aumentar los MB de la aplicación con más y más íconos... RiMusic debería conservar su aspecto elegante/moderno. Sinceramente no entiendo por qué es importante la elección de diferentes corazones, pero supongo que me estoy haciendo viejo...

Those are the only ones I wish would be implemented, because it adds more variety and unique personality.

ikanakova commented 2 weeks ago

I had an idea that it would be cool if the icons (and even the font see #2283) could be installed as packages - that there would be a default icon package and people who were interested would create additional packages for RiMusic like in Aegis Authenticator.

OrangeZXZ commented 2 weeks ago

I had an idea that it would be cool if the icons (and even the font see #2283) could be installed as packages - that there would be a default icon package and people who were interested would create additional packages for RiMusic like in Aegis Authenticator.

I was going to say the same thing if a lot of features could be installed as packages the app will contain only what the user wants

Edit : could create some security issues maybe? It needs to be greatly implemented and verified.

ikanakova commented 2 weeks ago

I imagine there could be a light version RiMusic, perhaps in the essential look and everything else would be installed as packages - just the frontend of app (theme, icons, fonts...). Fast4x would then focus completely on the backend instead of the frontend: like make RiMusic a multiplatform app, improve Android TV/Android Auto support, Piped... But of course first fast4x should set some rules on how packages should be developed.

OrangeZXZ commented 2 weeks ago

I imagine there could be a light version RiMusic, perhaps in the essential look and everything else would be installed as packages - just the frontend of app (theme, icons, fonts...). Fast4x would then focus completely on the backend instead of the frontend: like make RiMusic a multiplatform app, improve Android TV/Android Auto support, Piped... But of course first fast4x should set some rules on how packages should be developed.

I hope this helps new devs adding packages