fastfrwrd / partyon

Party on, Wayne! Spotify App that allows you to set up a party that allows participants to request and vote down songs IRL.
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Party on, Wayne! This is a Spotify App hooked up to a Sails server/web interface that allows you to set up a party that allows participants to request and vote down songs IRL.


Spotify App

  1. make sure you have Spotify Premium

  2. hook up your spotify app

    $ > mkdir ~/Spotify
    $ > ln -s path/to/repo/app ~/Spotify/partyon
  3. in Spotify, type spotify:app:partyon to make sure it runs


  1. Get a nodeenv and run it:

  2. Install sails and other dependencies on your env:

    $(env) > cd path/to/repo/server
    $(env) > npm install
  3. Run the app and hit it with http://localhost:1337

    $(env) > sails lift