fastred / IBAnalyzer

Find common xib and storyboard-related problems without running your app or writing unit tests.
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IBAnalyzer Installed from cocoapods not working #36

Closed bonyadmitr closed 6 years ago

bonyadmitr commented 6 years ago

I Installed IBAnalyzer from cocoapods and it is working oppositely.

Example: Added line @IBOutlet private weak var someLabel: UILabel!

There is no any warning. Connected UILabel to this IBOutlet And appeared warning /Users/.../XcodeProjects/ScriptsTest/ScriptsTest/Base.lproj/Main.storyboard:37:94: warning: IBOutlet missing: someLabel is not implemented in Main.storyboard

But I compiled sources and replaced in cocoapods folder and it works correctly.

sherc91 commented 6 years ago

Same here...

mxcl commented 6 years ago

This is fixed in April, but the maintainer has not updated the release binary (since Feb).

fastred commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Just released the binary and updated the pod.