fastred / IBAnalyzer

Find common xib and storyboard-related problems without running your app or writing unit tests.
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Find common xib and storyboard-related problems without running your app or writing unit tests.


Pass a path to your project to ibanalyzer command line tool. Here's an example output you can expect:

$ ./ibanalyzer ~/code/Sample/

TwitterViewController doesn't implement a required @IBAction named: loginButtonPressed:
TwitterViewController doesn't implement a required @IBOutlet named: twitterImageView
LoginViewController contains unused @IBAction named: onePasswordButtonTapped:
MessageCell contains unused @IBOutlet named: unreadIndicatorView
MessagesViewController contains unused @IBAction named: infoButtonPressed

With IBAnalyzer, you're able to:

  1. Find unimplemented outlets & actions in classes. Avoid crashes caused by exceptions, like the dreadful:

    *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '
     class is not key value coding-compliant for the key twitterImageView.'
  2. Find @IBOutlets and @IBActions defined in code but not connected to from nibs. No more:

    Unnecessary action


    Unnecessary outlet


This is a new tool, used only on a handful of projects till now. If you encounter any bugs, please create new issues.

Doesn't work with Objective-C. Tested on Swift 3.0.

How It Works

IBAnalyzer starts by parsing all .xib, .storyboard and .swift files in the provided folder. It then uses this data (wrapped in AnalyzerConfiguration) to generate warnings. You can see the source of an analyzer checking connections between source code and nibs here.

New warnings can be implemented by adding a new type conforming to the Analyzer protocol and initializing it in main.swift. Check issues to learn about some ideas for new warnings.


CocoaPods (Build Phase integration)

Note: This can significantly slow-down your build times.

  1. Add pod 'IBAnalyzer' to your Podfile.
  2. Run pod repo update and then pod install.
  3. Go to target settings -> Build Phases and add a New Run Script Phase. Change its name to something like IBAnalyzer.
  4. Use this script to run analysis on all files in your repository (possibly including 3rd party dependencies, like Pods/):

    "${PODS_ROOT}/IBAnalyzer/bin/ibanalyzer" ./

    or this one to run analysis only on a single folder:

    "${PODS_ROOT}/IBAnalyzer/bin/ibanalyzer" FolderName/


Download the newest prebuilt binary from the Releases tab. Unpack and run using:

$ bin/ibanalyzer /path/to/your/project

From Source

  1. Clone or download the repo.
  2. Open IBAnalyzer.xcworkspace in Xcode 8.2 and build the project (⌘-B).
  3. $ cd Build/MacOS
  4. $ ./ibanalyzer /path/to/your/project



Project initially started by Arek Holko (@arekholko on Twitter).