fathomnet / worms-server

Fast WoRMS name server
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link


A very fast World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) name server for FathomNet use. Ingests a dump of the WoRMS database and serves out names and tree structures. The WoRMS data is simplified on load so that only the "Animalia" branch is used and all extinct species are removed.


WoRMS has its own API that is a fantastic resource if you're looking for information about a specific taxa. However, FathomNet requires some features that are not available in the WoRMS API. Most notably:


General information

  "items": [
  "  Breitflügelbussard",
  "  Doppelband-Regenpfeifer",
  "  Fuchslöffelente"
  "limit": 3,
  "offset": 0,
  "total": 872962
    "aphiaId": 125401,
    "name": "Swiftia pallida",
    "acceptedName": "Callistephanus pallida",
    "alternateNames": [
        "Northern sea fan coral",
        "Nördliche Seefeder",
        "corail pâle",
        "northern sea fan"

Name requests

Unless otherwise indicated, these respond with a JSON array of Strings

Tree-structure requests

The following endpoints respond with a tree structure with each node like:

  "name": "Biota",
  "rank": "",
  "aphiaId": 1,
  "acceptedAphiaId": 1,
  "alternateNames": [], 
  "children": []

alternateNames is an array of strings, children can be an array of nodes.

Developer Information

This is a normal sbt project. You can compile code with sbt compile, run it with sbt run, and sbt console will start a Scala 3 REPL.


Useful SBT Commands

  1. stage - Build runnable project in target/universal
  2. universal:packageBin - Build zip files of runnable project in target/universal
  3. laikaSite - Build documentation, including API docs to target/docs/site
  4. compile then scalafmtAll - Will convert all syntax to new-style, indent based Scala 3.




The server can be run using:

docker run --name worms -d -p 8080:8080 -v "/local/path/to/worms/download/dir":"/opt/worms" mbari/worms-server

If you are an non-MBARI user and wish to run your own server, contact WoRMS for access to their database/text download. Once you have access, just download the worms zip file and extract it. You can easily run your own server with the above docker command. Your worms data dir, which contains the files taxon.txt, vernacularname.txt, and speciesprofile.txt, must be mounted into the container as /opt/worms.


This repo contains a build.sh script that can build and stage the application to MBARI's docker hub. To run this application, download and extract the WoRMS download on eione.mbari.org. Eione has permissions from WoRMS to fetch their dataset.

In addition, we are merging in the equipment and geological features branches of the VARS Knowledgebase with the WoRMS tree. Internally, you can fetch the data in the correct format using:

docker run mbari/fathomnet-support kb-branch-to-worms-format \
  "http://dsg.mbari.org/kb/v1/phylogeny/down/equipment" 1000 > /path/to/worms/kb_equipment.csv

docker run mbari/fathomnet-support kb-branch-to-worms-format \
  "http://dsg.mbari.org/kb/v1/phylogeny/down/geological%20feature" 10000 > /path/to/worms/kb_geological_feature.csv

With those new CSV files in hand, the easiest way to include them is to drop them in the same directory as the worms files. Then launch the server like so:

docker run --name worms -d \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v "/local/path/to/worms/download/dir":"/opt/worms" \
  mbari/worms-server /opt/worms/kb_equipment.csv /opt/worms/kb_geological_feature.csv

The format of the CSV files is:

1002,1000,Clathrate Bucket
1003,1000,Benthic Instrument Node;BIN
1004,1000,TPC;temperature, pressure, conductivity sensor
1005,1000,Wax corer
1006,1000,site marker
1007,1000,Dissolution Ball
1008,1001,Odor Pump
1009,1006,Remote Instrument Node;RIN

The values of the id aren't particularly important. On load they will be incremented so that they don't clash with any ids in worms or other trees. Once the trees are merged, all non-worms ids will be set to negative values to indicate they are not valid aphiaIds.


Documentation can be added as markdown files in docs and will be included automatically when you run laikaSite.