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Start a document explaining who administers/owns Fatiando accounts #34

Closed leouieda closed 1 year ago

leouieda commented 4 years ago

We have several accounts on different sites that are related to Fatiando. We need to create a list of who is an owner/administrator on each so we have a sense of what is going on and where we should add new maintainers. This would be good as a section of the README of this repository or a separate file.

Off the top of my head:

leouieda commented 3 years ago

This should be written down in a document here. Either a separate file or in the MAINTENANCE.md file.

santisoler commented 3 years ago

I like this idea. I would add a small list of minimum security measurements that each owner/administrator should follow:

I know we cannot enforce these measurements, but having them written down it's better than taking for granted that every owner/administrator will apply them from the start.