fatiando / community

Community resources, guidelines, meeting notes, authorship policy, maintenance, etc.
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Community resources for the Fatiando a Terra project

This repository contains resources for the Fatiando community: rules and guidelines, meeting notes, a place to organize project wide maintenance, etc.

Weekly calls (open to everyone)

We meet up weekly to discuss project development, get to know each other, share experiences, and even code things live to show our process. They are a great way to learn more about day-to-day development and get to know our global community. It's absolutely fine to join and just listen to what we discuss but we welcome participation!

See our contact page for more information on how to connect. We post links to the join the call and reminders on our chat rooms so keep an eye out!

Meeting notes are archived in the development-calls folder of this repository. Please do not edit these directly. Use the HackMD link above instead (changes there get synced to this repository periodically).

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct applies to any virtual or physical spaces used by our community. Please make sure you're familiar with it.


:tada: First of all, thank you for considering getting involved in our project! Any help/feedback you can provide is greatly appreciated.

These guides layout the standard processes for contributing to the project, performing maintenance, establishing authorship, and more:

Please feel free to use these files for your own projects. If you make any changes that aren't specific to your project, please contribute them back to this repository.


You are free to reuse, share, and modify the contents of this repository under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (see LICENSE.md for details).