fatiando / website

Sphinx sources used to generate the www.fatiando.org page
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Sphinx sources for fatiando.org



The website is build with Sphinx, the same tool we use to generate our documentation. So if you know how to edit the docs, you know how to contribute to this website as well.

To set up your development environment, create a conda environment from the environment.yml file in this repository (assuming you have some version of Anaconda/Miniconda/Miniforge installed):

conda env create
conda activate fatiando-website

The sources can be the standard reStructuredText (.rst) that Sphinx uses or Markdown (.md) thanks to the MyST parser. We use Markdown most of the time because it simplifies adding HTML directly to the source document, which we often do for styling and fancy layouts.


Run make serve to generate the HTML files, serve them, and open your default browser. This command will keep serving the pages and re-building them automatically any time a source file changes. You don't even have to refresh your browser. To stop the server, type Control + C.


We use the HTML files in the forward folder to redirect to other domains. This is not ideal but our DNS-based forwarding doesn't work with HTTPS (if you know a way around this, please let us know!).

The files are copied to the output folder (forward/dev/ -> _build/html/dev which is served as fatiando.org/dev). To add a forward, create a new folder with an index.html similar to the ones we already include.

Use only for long and difficult to type URLs.

Sphinx extensions

We implement some custom sphinx extensions for adding content to our website. All live under the sphinx_extensions folder of this repository:

All extensions are distributed under the MIT license. See sphinx_extensions/LICENSE.txt.


Pushing changes to fatiando/website triggers a build on GitHub Actions. The build will check if the site compiles and also checks for broken links. When changes are pushed to the master branch (directly or by merging a Pull Request), Actions will push the compiled site to the fatiando/fatiando.github.io repository. GitHub serves this repository under http://fatiando.github.io. See .github/workflows/build.yml.


Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.