fatihsolmaz22 / Bachelorarbeit_FS22

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Clone this project to a local folder.

Install Poetry

Install Poetry which is a tool for dependency management and packaging in Python. Poetry requires Python 2.7 or 3.5+. You can install Poetry using the following commands.

osx / linux / bashonwindows:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py | python

or windows powershell:

(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/python-poetry/poetry/master/get-poetry.py -UseBasicParsing).Content | python

Run the project from shell

1. Go to project folder

cd ba_code

2. Get all the packages

poetry install

3. Get into poetry environment

poetry shell

4. See all available commands

python cli_executor.py --help

5. Execute a predefined command

e.g. python cli_executor.py extract-reviews

Run the project with PyCharm

Download and install PyCharm which is a Python IDE. Open the IDE after the installation and click on "Open" as depicted below.


Navigate to the location where you cloned this project and select "ba_folder" and click on "ok".


Once the project has been loaded go to "File" --> "Settings".


Install the Poetry plugin as shown below.


After the installation of the plugin open a Python script e.g. test.py. The IDE recognizes that there is no Python Interpreter configured for the project and suggests three options. Click on "Create a poetry environment using pyproject.toml" to complete the project setup.
