fatimamahate / study-buddy-blog

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Study Buddy Blog

This is my project called Study Buddy Blog. It is aimed towards teenagers who going through exams upto university students.

You can view the live project here

Project Goals:

The aim was to create a minimalist blog post website to provide insight, tips and trick into studying. We have the CRUD functionality, where the usess are able to create comments, read comments, Update (or Edit) comments and delete comments.


This project used the Agile Methodology. The Kanban Boards on Github were used to organise User Stories and Epics. Furthermore, labels of must, should, won't fix and maybe not.

User Stories

Each Epic is made up of some User Stories

The User Stories with an + are not implemented.

You can find the project board here

  1. Add own posts was not implemented at this stage due to time constraints
  2. The likes were removed due to the fact that this is aimed at teenagers. Whilst conversation is encouraged, this website is not just about who can have the most popular blog post. It is not designed for competition. Rather it is to students study and move into university. Eventually, this blog site will be available to many authorised users who can make their own posts. Therefore, it has potential to become a site only concerned about bringing in likes especially since it will be opened to many poeple in the future.


Current Features


The navbar is at the top of each page with sign in, sign out and home links to take you to respective pages. Navbar When the screen size is smaller, the navbar responds by making the links as part of a 'hamburger menu' i.e a menu where the links are one on top of each other.


Blog Post


The following wireframes were used. As the coding took place,there were some changes but overall look similar.

Wireframe homepage Wireframe post and comment Sign In Sign Out Sign Up Smaller Device


I have tested manually tested each function such as sign in and blog posts on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge (the browser I used).

Python Testing

Furthermore, there is automated testing to test each function is working. test

These are the user stories that were tested:


  1. Login to Heroku
  2. Click on New
  3. Click on Create New app
  4. Choose a name for your file it must be unique!
  5. Choose the closest place to you.
  6. Log in to ElephancSQL
  7. Click on create new instance
  8. set up you plan.
  9. Give it a name.
  10. Select Tiny Turtle (Free) plam
  11. Select Region
  12. Choose a data center closest to you
  13. Click review
  14. Check your details
  15. Click create instance
  16. Go back to the ElephantSQL dashboard and click on the database youve just created
  17. In details, copy the database URL
  18. Open up your workspace
  19. Add a file env.py
  20. Add the line import os
  21. Set the environment variables by os.environ["DATABASE_URL"]="your copied Url"
  22. Then add os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]="some secret key you can make up"
  23. Save the file
  24. Open settinfs.py file
  25. Add the following code: import os import dj_database_url if os.path.isfile('env.py'): import env
  26. Scroll down to SECRET_KEY and replace the brackets with your own secret key
  27. Scroll to DATABASES and comment out the code
  28. Replace it with the following DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get("DATABASE_URL")) }
  29. In your terminal, type python manag.py migrate
  30. Go to Heroku Dashboard
  31. Open up setting
  32. Add two config vars
  33. DATABASE_URL --> add the database url from elephantsql
  34. SECRET_KEY --> add your secret key.
  35. Login in to CLoudinary
  36. Go to dashboard
  37. Go to cloudinary_url and copy it
  38. In the env.py file, type os.environ["CLOUDINARY_URL"] = paste your url here
  39. Go back to Heroku
  40. Navigate to settings tab
  41. Scroll to Config vars
  42. Add CLOUDINARY_URL and paste in the url
  43. And in another one add, DISABLE_STATIC and 1
  44. This must be removed at final deployment
  45. In the settings.py file:Add Cloudinary Libraries to INSTALLED_APPS in order ’cloudinary_storage', ’django.contrib.staticfiles', ’cloudinary',
  46. Add the following code below STATIC_URL = ’/static/' to use Cloudinary to store media and static files:
    • STATICFILES_STORAGE = ’cloudinary_storage.storage.StaticHashedCloudinaryStorage'
    • STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’static')]
    • STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’staticfiles')
    • MEDIA_URL = '/media/'
    • DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'cloudinary_storage.storage.MediaCloudinaryStorage'
  47. Now type TEMPLATES_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ’templates')
  49. Type ALLOWED_HOSTS = [”Your_Project_name.herokuapp.com”, ”localhost”]
  50. In your files in your worksoacem create 3 folders: media, static and templates
  51. Create Procfile in highest directory
  52. In the Procfile add web: gunicorn PROJ_NAME.wsgi
  53. Finally, use git to add, commit and push your changes.
  54. Go back to heroku and you can either deploy branch or enable automatic deploys
  55. When you want to see the website, click on Open App.
  1. Code Institute: - projects (both old and new) and tutor support (who were amazing!)
  2. Stack Overflow: - edit/delete comments
  3. Unsplash: image by firmbee.com
  4. Pexels: by lil artsy
  5. Pexels: by monstera production
  6. Pexels: by Karolina Grabowska
  7. Pexels: by Leeloo Thefirst

Thank you to Code Institute for the walkthrough projects. Also thank you to my mentor Brian Macharia who provided a lot help earlier in the year.