fatpeppapig / bigscreenahk

Autohotkey scripts for managing big screens - 4k 40"+
12 stars 2 forks source link

I'm sharing AHK scripts used by me on my 43" 4K screen and my friend on his 40" screens.

Mine uses left alt + numpad to manage 3x2x3 matrix of windows with side windows being 960x720 kind of 10" netbook screens - I use left side for debugging/testing, and right hand side for communications (mail, skype, slack, etc). I also configured my screen to reload automatically on change, but you can disable it. In center there are kind of 20" 1080px screen which I use for documentation and editor.

My friend uses ctrl + alt + numpad and slightly different screen matrix.

Please feel free to use it as a reference to create your own configs.