This agent exposes a simple gNMI service to configure FAUCET. Requires FAUCET version 1.9.3 or later.
For now, it simply allows you to get or replace the entire
FAUCET configuration file (e.g. faucet.yaml
) via gNMI path /
./ --cert agent.crt --key agent.key \
--configfile /etc/faucet.yaml >& faucetagent.log &
# TLS authentication (client auth is ignored by agent atm)
AUTH="-ca ca.crt -cert client.crt -key client.key -target_name localhost"
# Extract string_val from gnmi_get output
string_val() { grep string_val: | awk -F 'string_val: "' '{printf $2;}' |
sed -e 's/"$//' | xargs -0 printf; }
# Fetch information about configuration schema
gnmi_capabilities $AUTH
# Fetch current configuration
gnmi_get $AUTH -xpath=/ | string_val
# Send a configuration file to FAUCET
gnmi_set $AUTH -replace=/:"$(<faucet.yaml)"
sudo make test