fawda123 / ggord

a take on ordination plots using ggplot2
62 stars 20 forks source link


Marcus W. Beck, mbafs2012@gmail.com

R-CMD-check DOI

A simple package for creating ordination plots with ggplot2. View the website for an overview: https://fawda123.github.io/ggord


Install the package as follows:

# Enable the r-universe repo
options(repos = c(
    fawda123 = 'https://fawda123.r-universe.dev',
    CRAN = 'https://cloud.r-project.org'))

# Install ggord


Please cite the current release as follows:

Marcus W. Beck (2024). ggord: Ordination Plots with ggplot2. R package version 1.1.8. https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/35334615

Contribution and issues

For making contributions to this package, please see the instructions on the contributing page.

For bugs or feature requests, please follow the instructions here.