fbaffie / Runoff_management_course

Course material for the runoff management course of the Master in climate change management at Høyskulen for Vestlandet (HVL), Norway.
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p# Runoff management course

This repository contains most presentation material for the course runoff management of the Master in climate change management at Høgskulen for Vestlandet (HVL), Norway.

The presentations have been prepared in the R Markdown format with the held of the rmdshower package.

The course website is not online anymore. You can download the latest release for a local copy of the website.


I have used pictures gleaned from the internet and have on most occasions not referenced them directly within the course material to keep it simple. All the source websites and pictures are however listed in my pinterest collections: https://no.pinterest.com/fbaffie/

Credits for sources that are not in the pinterest collections are listed in the introductory lecture.

If a reference is missing, or you are unhappy about the use of an image, please raise an issue.


If you find the course design interesting, be it the course content or the open source text-based philosophy; please fork this repository and create a pull request if you have suggestions for improvement.


I did not only choose to develop a web-based course because it could be shared online. There are also many html / javascript visualization libraries (i.e. R htmlwidgets) that can make this content more interactive. Things like: