fcbond / ltdb

Linguistic Type Data-Base
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Linguistic Type Data-Base

The Linguistic Type Database (LTDB, née Lextype DB), describes types and rules of a DELPH-IN grammar with frequency information from the treebank. Lexical types can be seen as detailed parts-of-speech. Information about the types are constructed from the linguists documentation in the grammar, a kind of literate programming.

There is more documentation <http://moin.delph-in.net/LkbLtdb>__ at the DELPH-IN Wiki.


  1. Run ./make-ltdb.bash --grmdir /path/to/grammar

.. code:: bash

./make-ltdb.bash --grmdir ~/logon/dfki/jacy

Everything is installed to ~/public_html/




      * python 2.7, python 3, pydelphin, docutils, lxml
      * Perl
      * SQLite3
      * Apache
      * LKB/Lisp        for db dump
      * xmlstarlet      for validating lisp

We prefer that Sentence IDs are unique, if we see two sentences in the
gold treebank with the same ID, we only store the first one.

Only the new LKB-FOS (http://moin.delph-in.net/LkbFos) suppoorts the new docstring comments.  We assume it is installed in

Install dependencies (in ubuntu):

.. code:: bash

    sudo apt-get install apache2 xmlstarlet
    sudo apt-get install python-docutils python3-docutils python3-lxml

    sudo pip install pydelphin --upgrade
    sudo pip3 install pydelphin --upgrade

Enable local directories in Apache2

This may be different on different operating systems

.. code:: bash

sudo a2enmod userdir
sudo a2enmod cgi

Put this in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf

.. code:: xml

<Directory /home/*/public_html/cgi-bin/>
   Options +ExecCGI
   AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

And then restart Apache2

.. code:: bash

sudo service apache2 restart

You may have to change the path to the LKB inside make-ltdb.bash

.. code:: bash


Trouble Shooting

If the LKB complains


    error finding frame source: Bogus form-number: ....

it probably means you have a docstring in an instance file, or an old
version of the LKB. Make sure you only document types for now.


-  check I am getting lrule/irule right


Types, instances in the same table, distinguished by status.

|status    |thing                               | source            |  end |
|type      |normal type                         |                   |      |
|ltype     |lexical type                        |type + in lexicon  | _lt  |
|lex-entry |lexical entry                       |                   | _le  |   
|rule      |syntactic construction/grammar rule | LKB:\*RULES       | _c   |
|lrule     |lexical rule                        | LKB:\*LRULES      | lr   |
|irule     |inflectional rule                   | LKB:\*LRULES +    | ilr  | 
|          |            (inflectional-rule-pid )|                   |      |
|          |orth-invariant inflectional rule    |                   | _ilr |
|          |orth-changing inflectional rule     |                   | _olr |
|          |orth-invariant derivational rule    |                   | _dlr | 
|          |orth-changing derivation rule       |                   |_odlr |
|          |punctuation affixation rule         |                   | _plr |
|root      |root                                |                   |      |

| Symbol | Explanation                          |
|  ▲     | Unary, Headed                        |
|  △     | Unary, Non-Headed                    |
|  ◭    | Binary, Left-Headed                  |
|  ◮    | Binary, Right-Headed                 |
|  ◬    | Binary, Non-Headed                   |

FIXME: add IDIOMS as a different table