fcfort / betterment-csv-chrome

Betterment CSV export Chrome extension
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 4 forks source link
betterment chrome-extension csv pdf qif

Betterment CSV/QIF Exporter

This extension is not affiliated with Betterment in any way.

Betterment is a wonderful brokerage service, but doesn't provide ticker-level transaction data for easy export. But, this data is available via the PDFs on the Activity page.

This extension parses those PDFs and creates ticker-level transaction download links on the Activity Page entirely in the browser using PDF.js and Web Workers.

This extension can output in both CSV and QIF formats.


Dev Setup


To access development releases, you'll need npm installed. Start by cloning the project locally.

Source Code: github.com/fcfort/betterment-csv-chrome


Unit & Integration tests

grunt test --testPdfDir=../relative/path/to/test/pdfs/and/csvs


grunt package --testPdfDir=../relative/path/to/test/pdfs/and/csvs


grunt upload --secretsFile=../relative/path/to/secrets.json --testPdfDir=../relative/path/to/test/pdfs/and/csvs

Accept the OAuth2 prompt that opens in your browser.

Preparing a new release

  1. Make code changes
  2. Bump version number in package.json
  3. Run grunt upload, which will build, test, upload, and publish the new version to the Chrome Web Store.
  4. Create a new release on GitHub and upload the zip file as a build artifact.


Related projects

I wrote a command-line version that parses PDF files and outputs CSV. See github.com/fcfort/betterment-pdf-to-csv. This project is similar but done entirely client-side as a Chrome extension.


Apache 2.0