fdac20 / Practice0

First assignment
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Practice 0

Welcome to CS445/545. In this class, we will be using a variety of tools that will require some initial configuration.


  1. To start, fork repository fdac20/Practice0

  2. You should be able to connect to your container via ssh (putty)

  3. Connect to your docker container (this opens up a terminal with a commmand-line)

  4. Clone the repository to your docker container If you have not set these up, please do (replace USERNAME with your own github username):

    git config --global user.name USERNAME
    git config --global user.email 'whatever email you are willing to share'
  5. You may also want to set up your credentials to be cashed (in seconds: 3600=1hour)

    git config credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600'
  6. Set up your default editor if you don't like vi (vi is set by default)

    git config --global core.editor nano
  7. Now clone

    git clone https://USERNAME@github.com/USERNAME/Practice0
  8. You will be asked to enter your github username and password

  9. Hint: to avoid typing GitHub passwords you can add the following to your .ssh/config on the host where you run git commands:

     host github
         User USERNANE
         HostName github.com
         IdentitiesOnly yes
         IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    Then the git clone will look like:

          git clone git@github:USERNAME/Practice0

    You will also need to put your public key on github as described in step 4 of instructions

  10. Please change the name of the notebook from Practice0 to your NETID handle, so I can merge it in the central repository once you submit your pull request. on command line 'mv Practice0.ipynb YourNetID.ipynb'

  11. Point your browser to http://localhost:8888

  12. Edit/Run the example in the browser and do requested tasks to complete the assignment

  13. On the docker container commit changes to complete your solution.

    cd ~/Practice0
    git add YourNetID.ipynb
    git commit -m '<your commit comment>'
  14. Now back in the shell Push/sync the changes to github.

    git push origin master
  15. At https://github.com/USERNAME/Practice0 Create a pull request on the original repository fdac20/Practice0 to turn in the assignment.