fdietze / vectory

A 2D geometry library in Scala.
12 stars 4 forks source link


A 2D geometry library for Scala.


With JitPack, it is common to point to a specific commit to make your builds reproducible:

resolvers += ("jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io")
libraryDependencies += "com.github.fdietze.vectory" %% "vectory" % "b349c76"

// With ScalaJS:
libraryDependencies += "com.github.fdietze.vectory" %%% "vectory" % "b349c76"

To use it in Ammonite:

import $repo.`https://jitpack.io`
import $ivy.`com.github.fdietze.vectory::vectory:b349c76`, vectory._


import vectory._

Vec2(1,2) + Vec2(3,4) // Vec2(4.0,6.0)
Vec2(1,2).length // 2.23606797749979
Vec2(1,2).normalized // Vec2(0.4472135954999579,0.8944271909999159)
Vec2(1,2).angle // 1.1071487177940904
Vec2(1,2) dot Vec2(3,4) // 11.0
Vec2(1,2) cross Vec2(3,4) // -2.0
Vec2(1,2) * 5 // Vec2(5.0,10.0)

val a = Line(Vec2(1, 3), Vec2(4, 1))
val b = Line(Vec2(2, 1), Vec2(3, 3))
a intersect b // Some(LineIntersection(Vec2(2.5,2.0),true,true)) -- point lies on both segments

val c = Circle(Vec2(3, 1), 2)
val r = AARect(Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(6, 4))
c intersects r // true

val p = ConvexPolygon(IndexedSeq(Vec2(-3, 1), Vec2(-1, -2), Vec2(2, 2)))
val c = Circle(Vec2(-1, -4), 3)
p intersectsMtd c // Some(Vec2(-0.0,-1.0))

val p = ConvexPolygon(Array(Vec2(-2, -2), Vec2(-3, -1), Vec2(2, -2), Vec2(1, 3)))
p.aabb // AARect(Vec2(-0.5,0.5),Vec2(5.0,5.0))

