Personal infrastructure management/playground. Works cross-cloud provider for both AWS and DigitalOcean.
Apply the things:
$ ./bin/apply
$ ./bin/apply
$ ./bin/apply
If an instance is getting rebuilt, it will re-ansible itself during the apply using a local-exec provisioner.
All of these commands will need to know the ansible vault password. They also need to go through the bin
script, as the host IP for the isntances are determined using the terraform output.
Run the ansible playbook:
$ ./bin/ansible playbook ansible/remote-server.yml
$ ./bin/ansible playbook ansible/remote-server.yml --limit lightsail
$ ./bin/ansible playbook ansible/remote-server.yml --limit digitalocean
Run other ansible commands:
$ ./bin/ansible -m ping
$ bin/ansible -a "echo foo"
$ bin/ansible -a "echo foo" --limit lightsail
$ bin/ansible -a "echo foo" --limit digitalocean
Encrypting or editing an encrypted file:
$ ansible-vault create path/to/ansible/file/main.yml # create a file from scratch
$ ansible-vault encrypt path/to/ansible/file/main.yml # encrypt an unecrypted file
$ ansible-vault edit path/to/ansible/file/main.yml # edit an encrypted file
$ ansible-vault view path/to/ansible/file/main.yml # view an encrypted file
$ ansible-vault decrypt path/to/ansible/file/main.yml # view an encrypted file
Secrets are stored using ansible vault, and are automatically decrypted in ./bin/init
to a file that is ignored by git
Encrypting a string via the vault (not using as editing them is almost impossible):
$ ansible-vault encrypt_string --ask-vault-pass
# Enter the string, and hit ctrl+d twice.
SSH onto the lightsail instance:
$ ./bin/ssh <cloud_provider [do|digitalocean, aws|lightsail] (default=do)> <username (default=frankmassi)>