fdnd-agency / funda

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Design challenge: the funda listing page

About Funda

Funda (derived from "fundum," the Latin word for estate) is a Dutch organization based in Amsterdam that presents Dutch real estate on the internet. The main website of funda is funda.nl. With approximately 68 million visits per month (4 million unique). funda.nl is one of the most heavily visited housing websites in the Netherlands. The website features the entire Dutch housing market for sale, which is offered through real estate agents.

Funda helps individuals during one of the most significant decisions in life: finding or selling a home. It's an exciting and challenging process, so Funda is committed to providing as much support as possible throughout this journey.


In the first semester, you have learned a lot about layout, responsive design, accessibility, interaction and branding. In this 3 week sprint you will apply everything you have learned to rebuild the Listing Detail Page (LDP).

This is the Listing Detail Page. Your assignment is to rebuild this from scratch with HTML and CSS. You can use a bit of javascript, but it's not a necessity.

There is no need to get the data from any external source, you can just hard-code the data in your HTML.



Submitting the project

To submit this project:

If you have any questions, please send an email to marijn@funda.nl

Good luck!