fdongyu / DataExchangeAPI

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Data Exchange Service for Computational Model Integrations between different platforms

This repository contains the codebase for a data exchange service designed to facilitate communication between the Earth System Model (E3SM) and the Cyberwater client. It also includes a Python-based middleman server to manage the data exchange.

E3SM Client Requirements

To set up the E3SM Client, ensure the following requirements are met:

Installation for E3SM Client

  1. Install the libcurl library required for the C wrapper code (http_impl.c):
    curl -O https://curl.se/download/curl-7.79.1.tar.gz
    tar -xzvf curl-7.79.1.tar.gz
    cd curl-7.79.1
    ./configure --prefix=/home/your_username/local
    make install
  2. Update your environment variables to include the path to libcurl:
    export PATH="/home/your_username/local/bin:$PATH"
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/your_username/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"
    export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/your_username/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
  3. Confirm the installation of 'curl` by checking its version:
    curl --version

    Data Exchange Service Requirements

Ensure the following requirements are met for the Data Exchange Service:

Installation for Data Exchange Service

  1. (Optional) Create a virtual environment to isolate the package dependencies:
    python3 -m venv exchange_env
    source exchange_env/bin/activate
  2. Install the necessary Python libraries as specified:
    pip install fastapi==0.110.1 uvicorn==0.29.0 pydantic==2.7.0

    Cyberwater Client Requirements

The Cyberwater client requires the same Python version as the Data Exchange Service:

After Installation on respective remote machines, Steps to Test the System.

To validate the functionality of the data exchange system, you need to test the server, the Cyberwater client, and the E3SM client as follows:

Testing the Data Exchange Server

Navigate to the directory containing exchange_server.py. Start the server by running the following command:

  python exchange_server.py

This will start the server on your local machine, listening on port 8000. (default, you can change it according to the client requirements).

Testing the Cyberwater Client

Perform the following steps on the remote machine set up as the Cyberwater client:

  1. Check and ensure that cyberwater_library.py and cyberwater_test.py are in the current directory.
  2. Verify that the server_url and port variables in cyberwater_test.py match the server's address and port.
  3. Depending on the role you wish to take in the data exchange process:
    • If initiating a new session, ensure the create_session call in cyberwater_test.py is uncommented.
    • If joining an existing session, comment out the create_session call and uncomment the join_session call.

To run the Cyberwater client, execute:

python cyberwater_test.py

This will initiate or join a session and start the data exchange process.

Testing the E3SM Client

Follow these steps on a different remote machine intended as the E3SM client:

  1. Ensure the data_exchange_lib directory contains http_impl.c, http_interface.f90, and data_exchange.f90.
  2. The parent directory should contain e3sm_test.f90 and the Makefile.

Compile the E3SM client code with the following commands:

make clean

After compilation, run the E3SM client:


This will execute the compiled binary and engage in the data exchange process with the server and the Cyberwater client.

Session Management : Primary API Endpoints

Both clients will interact with the data exchange server, which handles sessions, flags, and data transmission. Use the following endpoints to manage and monitor sessions:

Libraries and their usage