feat7 / Surface

"Surface" is an MVC based microframework written in PHP.
MIT License
8 stars 11 forks source link
eloquent mvc orm php router surface twig


Surface is simple, light-weight, MVC based framework written in PHP to provide a faster, secure and efficent way to build websites.



Recommended way (Works on Linux, Windows and MacOS)

git clone https://github.com/feat7/Surface.git <app-name>
cd <app-name>
composer install

To serve:

php -S

Checkout http://localhost:8000 in your browser!

Other methods of installation

On Linux (Ubuntu/Debian based)

  1. Install LAMP stack on your PC.
  2. Install virtualhost bash script.
  3. Create a virtualhost as per given in above link.
  4. cd /var/www/
  5. Delete the folder created by your virtualhost. Please note the name of the folder before deleting.
  6. git clone https://github.com/feat7/Surface.git <folder-name-you-just-deleted>
  7. Open that folder in terminal and run composer install
  8. Done! Check the website from your browser!

On Windows

If you're using XAMPP then simply move of the contents to htdocs folder. Note that htdocs should be root folder and don't make any subfolder inside it.

Next update

I will make the installation procedure easier and more convenient. Create issue if you face any problem regarding installation. Router will be very robust and flexible in next version.

To Do


Please create issue first if you're planning to contribute.


The MIT LICENSE. See LICENSE for more.