feature-sliced / eslint-config

🍰 Lint feature-sliced concepts by existing eslint plugins
MIT License
128 stars 4 forks source link
absolute-imports co-location decoupling domain-driven domain-first eslint-config feature-based feature-sliced feature-slices


WIP: At the moment at beta-testing - use carefully

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Linting of FeatureSliced concepts by existing eslint-plugins


Each rule has its own test cases and customization aspects

Get Started

  1. You'll first need to install ESLint:

    $ npm install -D eslint
    # or by yarn
    $ yarn add -D eslint
    $ or by pnpm 
    $ pnpm add -D eslint
  2. Next, install @feature-sliced/eslint-config and dependencies:

    $ npm install -D @feature-sliced/eslint-config eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-boundaries
    # or by yarn
    $ yarn add -D @feature-sliced/eslint-config eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-boundaries
    # or by pnpm 
    $ pnpm add -D @feature-sliced/eslint-config eslint-plugin-import eslint-plugin-boundaries
  3. Add config to the extends section of your .eslintrc configuration file (for recommended rules). You can omit the eslint-config postfix:

        "extends": ["@feature-sliced"]
  4. TYPESCRIPT-ONLY: Also setup TS-parser and TS-plugin (why?)

    Details **Install dependencies:** ```sh $ npm i -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-import-resolver-typescript # or by yarn $ yarn add -D @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin @typescript-eslint/parser eslint-import-resolver-typescript ``` **Configure `@typescript-eslint/parser` as parser and setup the `eslint-import-resolver-typescript` resolver in the `.eslintrc` config file:** ```json { "parser": "@typescript-eslint/parser", "settings": { "import/resolver": { "typescript": { "alwaysTryTypes": true } } } } ```



  1. You can partially use the rules

    WARN: Don't use main config ("@feature-sliced") in customization to avoid rules conflicts.

    "extends": [
  2. You can use alternative experimental rules

    • Use import-order/experimental for formatting with spaces between groups and reversed order of layers (why?)

      "extends": [
      // ... Other rules or config
    • Use public-api/lite for less strict PublicAPI boundaries (why?)

      "extends": [
        // ... Other rules or config
  3. You can use warnings instead of errors for specific rules

    "rules": {
      // feature-sliced/import-order
      "import/order": "warn" // ~ 1,
      // feature-sliced/public-api
      "import/no-internal-modules": "warn" // ~ 1,
      // feature-sliced/layers-slices
      "boundaries/element-types": "warn" // ~ 1,
  4. You can use advanced FSD-specific messages processing

    # (feature-sliced/public-api)
    - 'Reaching to "features/search/ui" is not allowed.'
    + 'Violated usage of modules Public API | https://git.io/Jymjf'

See also