fecgov / fecfile-validate

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About this project

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is the independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing the federal campaign finance law. The FEC has jurisdiction over the financing of campaigns for the U.S. House, Senate, Presidency and the Vice Presidency.

This project will provide a web application for filling out FEC campaign finance information. The project code is distributed across these repositories:

The FEC validator is designed around the disemination of FEC defined data specifications using the JSON Schema Specification.

The initial baseline spec for the definition of each form item is found in the FEC Format MS Excel spreadsheet found in the FEC Vendor Pack. (https://www.fec.gov/help-candidates-and-committees/filing-reports/fecfile-software/) See bin/generate-starter-schema.py for the script that created the initial schema definition files that were then manually curated and updated.

The data dictionary can be found in a human-freindly HTML format at: https://fecgov.github.io/fecfile-validate/

Custom Validation Algorithms

JSON schema properties with a "fec_" prefix are not part of the JSON Schema Standard but are custom validation enhancements performed by the FEC validation engine in addition to the validation performed by the JSON Schema Standard validation tools.

Deployment (FEC team only)

Special Note: The requirements.txt field in the fecfile-web-api repo must be updated with the most recent commit hash for the commit changes to be pulled into the api build by CircleCI.

Create a feature branch

Using git-flow extensions:

    git flow feature start feature_branch

Without the git-flow extensions:

    git checkout develop
    git pull
    git checkout -b feature/feature_branch develop

Create a release branch

Create and deploy a hotfix

Deploying a release to production

Additional developer notes

This section covers a few topics we think might help developers after setup.

Register changes to the validation JSON files in the fecfile-web-app and fecfile-web-api repositories

After modified the JSON schema files, those changes must be registered in the fecfile-web-app and fecfile-web-api repositories using the hash of the commit of the edits.

In the fecfile-web-app repo: 1) Update the commit hash in the package.json file for the fecfile-validate dependency 2) Remove the package-lock.json file 3) Rebuild the package-lock.json file to commit it to the repo with the "npm install" command

In the fecfile-web-api repo: 1) Update the commit hash for the fecfile-validate dependency in the requirements.txt file.

How to update the online documentation

The online documentation for the validation JSON files is hosted on GitHub pages at https://fecgov.github.io/fecfile-validate/ To update this documentation when changes are made to the JSON validation files, we use the json-schema-for-humans python package. To generate the documentation, follow these steps: 1) pip install -r requirements.txt 2) cd schema 3) ../bin/generate_schema_docs.sh

Git Secrets

Set up git secrets to protect oneself from committing sensitive information such as passwords to the repository.

Commit local code changes to origin daily

As a best practice policy, please commit any feature code changes made during the day to origin each evening before signing off for the day.

Google-style inline documentation

The project is using the Google Python Style Guide as the baseline to keep code style consistent across project repositories. See here for comment style rules: https://google.github.io/styleguide/pyguide.html#38-comments-and-docstrings