This project contains two XSL stylesheets that convert DocBook documents (http://www.docbook.org/) to TWiki (http://www.twiki.org/) and Confluence Wiki (http://www.atlassian.com/software/confluence/).
This project was started soon after I finished the DocBook exporter (see http://code.google.com/p/bcui-emacs) for Emacs Org-mode (http://orgmode.org/). Since I used TWiki at work, I had been hoping that I could export text files written in Org-mode into TWiki format using DocBook format as a bridge, assuming that somebody already wrote a stylesheet that converts DocBook documents to TWiki format. However, I failed to find such a stylesheet after several hours of searching...
The stylesheet for Confluence Wiki was added later after I switched to a new company.
Because DocBook contains more features than TWiki or Confluence Wiki does, the stylesheets only (and will always) support a subset of DocBook elements. However most of the formatting features supported in Emacs Org-mode are supported here.
This directory contains:
README This file.
docbook2cfl.xsl The XSL stylesheet the converts DocBook documents to Confluence Wiki format.
docbook2twiki.xsl The XSL stylesheet the converts DocBook documents to TWiki format.
org-twiki.el Sample Emacs Lisp function that converts Org file to TWiki format using ``Org-mode DocBook exporter + docbook2twiki.xsl.''
test.org Org file used for testing.
test.twiki TWiki file converted from test.xml using docbook2twiki.xsl.
test.xml DocBook XML file exported from test.org.
If you have any comments on how to improve this stylesheet, please send email to cbaoqiu AT yahoo DOT com.
Thanks, Baoqiu Cui