federicoviceconti / card_stack_widget

Stack of cards, built in Dart+Flutter
MIT License
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📦 card_stack_widget

A vertical dismissible and customizable stack of cards for a Flutter application.


CardStackWidget requires a list of CardModel, in order to create a stack of cards. You can customize their swipe or dismiss orientation, change the scale or the position factor. You can also apply an opacity, that change on drag movement.

Below, you can find an example of the usage of CardStackWidget and CardModel:

CardStackWidget _buildCardStackWidget(BuildContext context) {
  final mockList = _buildMockList(context, size: 4);

  return CardStackWidget(
    opacityChangeOnDrag: true,
    swipeOrientation: CardOrientation.both,
    cardDismissOrientation: CardOrientation.both,
    positionFactor: 3,
    scaleFactor: 1.5,
    alignment: Alignment.center,
    reverseOrder: true,
    animateCardScale: true,
    dismissedCardDuration: const Duration(milliseconds: 150),
    cardList: mockList,

/// Create a mock list of `CardModel` to use inside `CardStackWidget`
_buildMockList(BuildContext context, {int size = 0}) {
  final double containerWidth = MediaQuery
      .width - 16;

  var list = <CardModel>[];
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    var color = Color((Random().nextDouble() * 0xFFFFFF).toInt() << 0)

        backgroundColor: color,
        radius: 8,
        shadowColor: Colors.black.withOpacity(0.2),
        child: SizedBox(
          height: 310,
          width: containerWidth,
          child: Container(), // Whatever you want

  return list;


GIF example card widget 1 GIF example card widget 2

🚀 Supported properties

