fedora-infra / freeipa-fas

IPA schema extensions for FAS
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FreeIPA plugin for Fedora Account System

The freeip-fas plugin provides schema extension of FreeIPA users for the Fedora Account System. The plugin must be installed on all FreeIPA servers, preferable before the server/replica is installed.

If the plugin is installed later, then the local schema cache may be outdated and ipa command may not be aware of the new attributes. In that case the local schema cache can be refreshed by enforcing a schema check ipa -eforce_schema_check=True ping or by purging the cache with rm -rf ~/.cache/ipa.

Installation requires a server upgrade ipa-server-upgrade and restart of services ipactl restart. The post transaction hook of the RPM package takes care of both. A server upgrade can take a while and can disrupt normal operations on the machine. It is advised to serialize the operation and install the plugin on one server at a time.

Additional user attributes

User object is extended by a new fasUser object class.

This also applies to stage users.


Group object is extended by a new, optional fasGroup object class. The object class also acts as a marker and filter to hide internal groups.

Groups with the fasGroup object class have the following optional attributes:

Group / User Agreement check

The group_add_member command checks user agreements. Users must consent to all linked agreements before they are permitted to join a group. The fasagreement-remove-user command removes users from groups.


User settings


Command line extension

$ ipa user-mod --help
  --fastimezone=STR     user timezone
  --faslocale=STR       user locale
  --fasircnick=STR      IRC nick name
  --fasgpgkeyid=STR     GPG Key ids
  --fasstatusnote=STR   User status note
                        user creation time

The ipa stageuser-add command is extended in the same way.

Stage user plugin ensures that a stage user does not have the same login or email address as another user (active, staged, or deleted).

The group add, modification, and find commands have an additional option --fasgroup.

$ ipa group-add --help
--fasgroup     create a FAS group
$ ipa group-find --help
--fasgroup     search for FAS groups
$ ipa group-mod --help
--fasgroup     change to a FAS group

The group find and show commands also show FAS group membership.

$ ipa group-show somegroup
  Group name: somegroup
  GID: 54400007
  FAS group: True
$ ipa group-find somegroup
1 group matched
  Group name: somegroup
  GID: 54400007
  FAS group: True
Number of entries returned 1

User Agreements

User agreements are handled by a new object type fasagreement. Agreements can be linked to 0..n groups. Users are able to consent to any enabled user agreement. They can neither consent to disabled user agreement nor retract consent. User agreements can be managed by admins and any user with FAS Agreement Administrators privilege.

  fasagreement-add           Create a new User Agreement.
  fasagreement-add-group     Add group to a User Agreement
  fasagreement-add-user      Add users to a User Agreement
  fasagreement-del           Delete a User Agreement.
  fasagreement-disable       Disable a User Agreement
  fasagreement-enable        Enable a User Agreement
  fasagreement-find          Search for User Agreements.
  fasagreement-mod           Modify a User Agreement.
  fasagreement-remove-group  Remove group from a User Agreement
  fasagreement-remove-user   Remove users from a User Agreement
  fasagreement-show          Display the properties of a User Agreeement.

Permissions for privilege FAS Agreement Administrators:

Permissions for all authenticated users:

Additional ACIs:

User Agreement example

Create group as admin

$ kinit admin
Password for admin@FAS.EXAMPLE:
$ ipa group-add myfasgroup
Added group "myfasgroup"
  Group name: myfasgroup
  GID: 1632000010
$ ipa fasagreement-add myagreement --desc="Agreement for myfasgroup"
Added User Agreement "myagreement"
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
$ ipa fasagreement-add-group myagreement --groups=myfasgroup
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
  Member groups: myfasgroup
Number of members added 1
$ ipa group-add-member myfasgroup --user=fasuser1
  Group name: myfasgroup
  GID: 1632000010
  Member users: fasgroupadmin, fasuser1
  Failed members:
    member user: fasuser2: missing user agreements: myagreement
    member group:
    member service:
Number of members added 0

Consent to agreement as normal user

$ kinit fasuser1
Password for fasuser1@FAS.EXAMPLE:
$ ipa fasagreement-add-user myagreement --user=fasuser1
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
  Member groups: myfasgroup
Number of members added 1
$ ipa fasagreement-show myagreement
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
  Member groups: myfasgroup
  Agreement users: fasuser1

Normal users can neither retract an agreement nor agree on behalf of another user:

$ ipa fasagreement-add-user myagreement --user=fasuser2
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
  Failed users/groups:
    member user: fasuser2: Insufficient access: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'memberUser' attribute of entry 'cn=myagreement,cn=fasagreements,dc=fas,dc=example'.
Number of members added 0
$ ipa fasagreement-remove-user myagreement --user=fasuser1
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
  Member groups: myfasgroup
  Failed users/groups:
    member user: fasuser1: Insufficient access: Insufficient 'write' privilege to the 'memberUser' attribute of entry 'cn=myagreement,cn=fasagreements,dc=fas,dc=example'.
Number of members removed 0

Agreements cannot be removed as long as any group is linked to an agreement:

$ kinit admin
Password for admin@FAS.EXAMPLE:
$ ipa fasagreement-del myagreement
ipa: ERROR: Insufficient access: Not allowed to delete User Agreement with linked groups
$ ipa fasagreement-remove-group myagreement --groups=myfasgroup
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Agreement Description: Agreement for myfasgroup
Number of members removed 1
$ ipa fasagreement-del myagreement
Deleted User Agreement "myagreement"

Admins and user agreement managers can remove users from an agreement. The operation also removes users all linked groups

$ ipa group-show myfasgroup
  Group name: myfasgroup
  GID: 1632000010
  Member users: fasuser1
  Member of user agreement: myagreement
$ ipa fasagreement-remove-user myagreement --user=fasuser1
  Agreement name: myagreement
  Member groups: myfasgroup
Number of members removed 1
$ ipa group-show myfasgroup
  Group name: myfasgroup
  GID: 1632000010

Service delegation

The s4u2proxy service delegation rule fasjson-http-delegation allows fasjson services to impersonate users when talking to IPA's LDAP servers. All fasjson services must be added to the rule with:

$ ipa servicedelegationrule-add-member \
      --principals=HTTP/$(hostname) fasjson-http-delegation

Server limits

With FASJSON we want to be able to list all users, using a SimplePage query. At the moment we have about 120k users and we're hitting the default lookThroughLimit. We are thus increasing the pagedLookThroughLimit to 500k.


See file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.