feedhenry / negotiator

Apache License 2.0
2 stars 3 forks source link
go golang openshift rhmap

Not currently under active development


Negotiates between an RHMAP core and a OpenShift master. It understands both. It uses the OpenShift client and Kubernetes client to directly interact with the Kubernetes API and OpenShift API. For example when a new cloud app from RHMAP needs to be deployed or a new environment needs to be created, a request will be sent to negotiator with the details required such as a giturl, an auth token, env vars etc. Negotiator will take care of turning this into the required OpenShift Objects and sending them on to OpenShift / Kubernetes directly.

Try it out locally.

In a separate terminal run the following

oc new-project se
curl http://localhost:3000/deploy/se/cloudapp -H Content-type:application/json -d '{"repo": {"loc": "https://github.com/feedhenry/testing-cloud-app.git","ref": "master"}, "target":{"host":"AN OPENSHIFT MASTER","token":"AN OPENSHIFT TOKEN"}, "serviceName": "cloudapp4","replicas": 1,  "projectGuid":"test","envVars":[{"name":"test","value":"test"}]}'

curl http://localhost:3000/deploy/se/cache -H Content-type:application/json -d '{"serviceName": "cache","replicas": 1,  "projectGuid":"test", "target":{"host":"AN OPENSHIFT MASTER","token":"AN OPENSHIFT TOKEN"}}'

Using the cli

cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/feedhenry/negotiator/cmd/services 
go install . 
services deploy -h 


All dependencies are vendored so you shouldn't need to update or install.


├── config
├── cmd # where the main.go for the server and cli are located
├── deploy #domain specfic logic for deployment
│   ├── template.go # deploys templates to OpenShift
└── pkg
│    └── openshift # pkg for making the openshift and kubernetes client more simple to work with. Our domain logic does not go here
│ ##handlers go in the root dir and deal with http specific logic 
└── web 
     └── deploy.go 
     └── sys.go      


make test-unit 

build and publish

env GOOS=linux go build .

docker build -t rhmap/negotiator:0.0.1 . ##change build number

docker tag rhmap/negotiator:0.0.1 rhmap/negotiator:latest

docker push rhmap/negotiator:0.0.1

Run in OpenShift

oc new-app -f os_template.json