feelpp / angiotk

Virtual Angiography Toolkit
Apache License 2.0
5 stars 0 forks source link
angiography centerline feelpp filtering finite-elements mesh particles

= AngioTK Project :toc:

This is the AngioTk project: a collaboration within the link:http://icube-vivabrain.unistra.fr/index.php/Presentation[ANR MN Vivabrain].

== The VIVABRAIN project The Vivabrain project was a french publicly funded research project involving:

The project is no longer funded but development continues. The main software outcome of this project is contained in this repository. This document describes how to obtain it and compile it.

== Downloading the software

=== From Docker

AngioTK comes fully compiled in docker, use the following command to download the AngioTK docker image [source,sh]

docker pull feelpp/angiotk

=== From source

You can download a ZIP archive of the projet by clicking the green button at the top right of this page, or just by following this link. However, the recommended way to get the software is to clone it using git.

Git is a source-code management platform that was initially proposed by Linus Thovalds, the creator of the Linux kernel, for the express purpose of the Linux kernel source code management. Git has now become the de-facto standard for source code management, and github is the de-facto open-source platform for git project deployment.

Please read this short document to get started.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/vivabrain/angiotk

== Mailing lists

== Build Status

AngioTk uses Travis-CI for continuous integration. Travis-CI Build Status :

=== Dashboard

=== Cloning AngioTk

Then issue the following commands in order to clone the angiotk repository in feelpp/ research [source,sh]

git clone http://github.com/feelpp/angiotk.git

=== Compiling AngioTk

You need the following dependencies for AngioTk to build:

The following compilation order is strongly encouraged: