feelpp / toolbox

:hammer: Feel++ Toolbox Examples
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Update introduction.adoc #180

Open thomas-saigre opened 1 year ago

thomas-saigre commented 1 year ago

Add json specifications for boundaries conditions also minor typo fixes

@prudhomm @vincentchabannes can you please review that this additions are corrects ? I'm not sure in particular of expr1 and expr2 for Robin conditions

prudhomm commented 1 year ago

@thomas-saigre I propose some minor changes

prudhomm commented 1 year ago

@thomas-saigre @vincentchabannes the PR deploy using netlify should appear any time soon

netlify[bot] commented 1 year ago

Deploy Preview for toolboxes-dashing-twilight-9661e1 failed.

Name Link
Latest commit 1b2c287b1eaae7ee28deb8a8d0b1f729db928298
Latest deploy log https://app.netlify.com/sites/toolboxes-dashing-twilight-9661e1/deploys/650c38f856c19f00088dd076
prudhomm commented 1 year ago


@thomas-saigre please could you codeadd some explanation for initial conditions as well ?

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prudhomm commented 1 year ago


perhaps a good idea to have different kind of conditions for different border to examplify ?

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prudhomm commented 1 year ago


perhaps add a comment that this will be considered a non-linear condition due to the presence of heat_T``code ? an alternative to avoid that is to use heat_T_rt (@vincent is this correct?) so that heat_T from previous iteration is used(time or non-linear)

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prudhomm commented 1 year ago


stress out that Robin provide a linear boundary condition so term implying non-linearity cannot be used. Again same trick with _rt (remove trial) could be used to avoid that

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