= Feel++ Toolbox Examples ifdef::env-github,env-browser[] :outfilesuffix: .adoc :imagesdir: https://media.githubusercontent.com/media/feelpp/toolbox/master/ endif::[] :stem: latexmath
List of Toolboxes
== Releases
== Tools
<<contribute/modules/ROOT/pages/case-generator#,feelpp_case_generator>>:: generate skeleton of {feelpp} case documentation
== Generate Jupyter notebooks
.install asciidoctor-juptyer extension $ npm i
.execute the jupyter conversion $ node_modules/.bin/asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-jupyter -b jupyter examples/modules/csm/pages/sensor/index.adoc
A file examples/modules/csm/pages/sensor/index.ipynb
is generated and needs to be copied to ../attachments/sensor/
file add
[source,.adoc]Upon site generation the download button allows to download the jupyter notebook.
WARNING: I am currently investigating in generating the .ipynb
automatically at site generation, we do not want to store in github the .ipynb